Library Technology Guides

Company Directory

Mandarin Library Automation

This dashboard brings together data, trends, news, and other resources from Library Technology Guides describing the organization, its executive leadership, personnel employed, business history, as well as related features and news articles.

Connect to the Mandarin Library Automation website

1100 Holland Drive
Boca Raton, Florida 33427-2348
United States
Phone: 561-995-4010

Resource Management Products (ILS or LSP)

Mandarin M3 Mandarin Oasis

Executive Leadership

  • Carlos Cagin -- President
  • Art Graham -- Vice President Operations
  • Leonardo Lazo -- Former President, Envoy to Latin America
  • Christine Divito -- Vice President Finance
  • Company Ownership

    Mandarin executives Leonardo Lazo, Art Graham, and Christine Divito acquired majority ownership of Mandarin Library Automation from EGEG Holdings in July 2007.

    Personnel employed

    [Data source: statistics supplied for the annual Library Systems Report or from public information]

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    Documents or articles featuring Mandarin Library Automation

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    News Announcements

    August 31, 2007. World leader In library software sells company stock to key employees. Leo Lazo, President of Mandarin Library Automation, Inc., has announced that as of July 1, 2007, he and two other major management team members, Christine DiVito, Comptroller and Art Graham, Vice President of Technical Services, have acquired 50 percent of Mandarin's stock from EGEG Holdings, led by Elliot and Eleanor Goldstein.

    September 01, 2006. Mandarin Oasis tested successfully with OCLC's upcoming Unicode export feature. Mandarin Library Automation, Inc. announced the compatibility of Oasis, its Web-based, centralized library management system, with OCLC's upcoming Unicode MARC record export feature. Oasis successfully imported OCLC Unicode records that contained Hebrew, Arabic, CJK, Greek, Cyrillic and extended Latin Characters

    September 01, 2005. Mandarin Library Automation, Inc. announces Z39.50 client added to Mandarin Oasis. Mandarin Library Automation, Inc. has announced the addition of a Z39.50 client to Mandarin Oasis, its centralized, Web-based library management system.

    February 14, 2005. Mandarin Library Automation, Inc. announces Mandarin M3 available as free download. Mandarin Library Automation, Inc. has announced that effective February 14, 2005, Mandarin M3 is available free of charge.

    January 01, 2005. Mandarin Library Automation, Inc. announces release of Mandarin Oasis. Mandarin Library Automation, Inc. announced the release of Mandarin Oasis, a centralized, Web-based library management system that allows access to library resources through any workstation with a Web browser, anywhere at anytime. Oasis offers complete automation functions from a single screen, including cataloging, circulation, searching, reports, and inventory. The simple and intuitive interface is easy to learn, and the appearance and features can be tailored for each library.

    January 27, 2004. Canadian School Districts automate libraries with Mandarin M3. School District No. 23 in Kelowna, British Columbia, Seven Oaks School Division 10 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and York Catholic District School Board in Aurora, Ontario recently awarded Mandarin Library Automation, Inc. contracts to provide the Mandarin M3 Library Automation System to their schools.

    June 27, 1998. SIRS Mandarin previews its newest Library Automation System -- SIRS Mandarin M3. SIRS, Inc. will be providing a preview of its newest SIRS Mandarin Library Automation System, SIRS Mandarin M3, at the American Library Association Conference

    View All Mandarin Library Automation News Announcements

    Corporate Chronology

    Jul 23, 2003 ProQuest acquires SIRS Publishing from EGEG Holdings Corp.
    ProQuest Information and Learning has acquired SIRS Publishing, Inc, the publisher of SIRS Researcher, SIRS Discoverer, SIRS Enduring Issues and other databases. Mandarin Library Automation remains under the ownership of EGEG Holdings Corp., directed by Elliot Goldstein and Eleanor Goldstein.

    Annual Accomplishments Statements

    [Data source: text supplied for the annual Library Systems Report]

    2022 Mandarin Library Automation Accomplishments Narrative

    Mandarin Library Automation continues to expand its Mandarin M5 hosting service to libraries globally. Mandarin M5 is expanding in global markets in all library types including academic, K-12 public and private school, public and special libraries. We also provide an easy and efficient upgrade path from previous Mandarin M3 and Oasis to Mandarin M5 with little to no additional cost to our librarians. Mandarin continues to add new features and functionality to Mandarin M5 and other modules. Mandarin systems and services are also budget friendly. The feedback we consistently receive is that we provide very personalized technical and customer service to our librarians.

    [View Narrative for 2021] [View Narrative for 2020] [View Narrative for 2019] [View Narrative for 2018] [View Narrative for 2017] [View Narrative for 2016] [View Narrative for 2015] [View Narrative for 2014] [View Narrative for 2013] [View Narrative for 2012] [View Narrative for 2011] [View Narrative for 2010] [View Narrative for 2010] [View Narrative for 2008] [View Narrative for 2007] [View Narrative for 2007] [View Narrative for 2005]