Library Technology Guides

Company Directory


This dashboard brings together data, trends, news, and other resources from Library Technology Guides describing the organization, its executive leadership, personnel employed, business history, as well as related features and news articles.

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Level 8, 31 Queen Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000
Phone: 07-3356-3631

Resource Management Products (ILS or LSP)

Executive Leadership

photo of John Thompson
John Thompson
Chief Executive Officer, Knosys
photo of Stephen  Kerr
Stephen Kerr
Chief Financial Officer, Knosys
photo of Nic Passmore
Nic Passmore
Chief Technology Officer, Knosys
photo of Lesley Maea
Lesley Maea
Vice President, Customer Success, Knosys

Company Ownership

LIBERO is owned by Knosys Limited, listed on the Australian Stock Exchange listed under ASX symbol KNO.

Documents or articles featuring LIBERO

Breeding, Marshall. LIBERO acquired by Knosys. September 2021. Smart Libraries Newsletter. Knosys Limited, a Melbourne-based company specializing in software-as-a-service information systems, has acquired the LIBERO library management system. This acquisition represents a change from founder-led ownership and management to become part of a public company with diverse SaaS products. Knosys, while not previously involved in the library technology sector, has extensive experience in delivering technology into the banking, telecommunications, and health sectors.

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News Announcements

January 17, 2025. Woollahra Libraries cut stocktaking time and errors with Libero. The winner of the Knosys Libero Innovation Award 2024 is Woollahra Libraries for improving their stocktake processes. Previously, stocktaking was time-consuming and prone to errors. With the help of Libero, the library introduced a more efficient system, reducing manual work and increasing accuracy.“The more efficient stocktake process allows us to more readily see when a stock item was last scanned – this is useful context when we assist members looking for items that cannot be located” said Jody Rodas, Manager at Woollahra Libraries.

August 9, 2024. Glen Innes Severn Public and TAFE Library re-signs with Libero. Knosys announced that Glen Innes Severn Public and TAFE Library has re-signed with the Libero Library Management System for another 5 years.

April 8, 2022. Das Bach-Archiv Leipzig wechselt in die Libero Cloud. Die Forschungsbibliothek des Bach-Archiv Leipzig ist wie viele andere Libero-Bibliotheken nun auf die cloudbasierte Lösung von Libero umgestiegen. Libero Cloud von Knosys ist ein vollständig verwalteter Service, der eine Vielzahl von Vorteilen bietet, die weit über eine herkömmliche Vor-Ort-Konfiguration hinausgehen.

April 8, 2022. The Leipzig Bach Archive migrates to Libero Cloud. The Bach Archive Research Library Leipzig, like many other Libero libraries, has now made the switch to Libero's cloud-based solution. Libero Cloud by Knosys is a fully managed service that offers a vast array of benefits that far exceeds a standard on-premises configuration.

September 1, 2021. Knosys completes acquisition of LIBERO. Knosys Limited announced the completion of the acquisition of LIBERO, a leading library management software provider.

August 12, 2021. LIBERO joins forces with industry-leading technology provider Knosys. Insight Informatics announced the entry of its LIBERO system into the Australian Stock Exchange through the acquisition of the LIBERO business by the newly formed company LIBERO Systems Pty. Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Knosys Limited. Knosys is a leading software as a service (SaaS) provider based in Melbourne, with specialist expertise in helping businesses manage information and knowledge.

June 11, 2021. The Senckenberg Natural History Collections in Dresden opt for LIBERO Cloud to meet the ever-changing technological environment. The Senckenberg Natural History Collections in Dresden were the first German libraries to switch to LIBERO's fully managed premium cloud service. The advantages offered by LIBERO Cloud were crucial for the institute and helped significantly to drive the decision to move to a cloud-hosted environment.

June 11, 2021. Die Senckenberg Naturhistorischen Sammlungen in Dresden vertrauen auf LIBERO Cloud, um dem technologischen Wandel besser gerecht zu werden. Die Senckenberg Naturhistorischen Sammlungen in Dresden waren die ersten deutschen Bibliotheken, die auf LIBEROs voll verwalteten Premium-Cloud-Service umgestiegen sind. Die Vorteile, die die LIBERO Cloud bietet, waren für das Institut ausschlaggebend und trugen maßgeblich zu der Entscheidung bei, in eine Cloud-gehostete Umgebung zu wechseln.

May 14, 2021. LIBERO Omnio Is Open For Integration. Library management systems today should no longer exist in isolation. Instead, they need to integrate with a choice of other components, both within the library's technical infrastructure and beyond. LIBERO's new Open Access content catalogue, LIBERO Omnio, enables precisely this kind of integration. LIBERO Omnio takes your library customers to new places without them ever leaving LIBERO. Through integration with external e-content providers, library customers can search for e-resources, view availability, reserve and borrow in LIBERO Omnio.

May 14, 2021. LIBERO Omnio ist offen für Integration. Bibliotheksmanagementsysteme sollten heute nicht mehr länger isoliert existieren. Stattdessen sollten sie mit einer Reihe von anderen Komponenten integriert werden, sowohl innerhalb der technischen Infrastruktur der Bibliothek als auch darüber hinaus.

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