Library Technology Guides

Company Directory


This dashboard brings together data, trends, news, and other resources from Library Technology Guides describing the organization, its executive leadership, personnel employed, business history, as well as related features and news articles.

Connect to the Equinox website

PO Box 69
Norcross, Georgia 30091
United States
Phone: 678-269-6116

Resource Management Products (ILS or LSP)

Evergreen -- Equinox product logo
Evergreen -- Equinox
[product profile]
Koha -- Equinox product logo
Koha -- Equinox
[product profile]

Executive Leadership

photo of Lisa Carlucci
Lisa Carlucci
Executive Director
photo of Mike Rylander
Mike Rylander
Research and Development Manager
photo of Galen Charlton
Galen Charlton
Infrastructure and Added Services Manager, Board President, 2021

Company Ownership

Equinox Open Library Initiative is a Equinox is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

IRS Form 990 for Non-Profits

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2022 IRS Form 990 for Equinox
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2021 IRS Form 990 for Equinox
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2019 IRS Form 990 for Equinox
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2018 IRS Form 990 for Equinox
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2017 IRS Form 990 for Equinox

Personnel employed

[Data source: statistics supplied for the annual Library Systems Report or from public information]

Equinox 2024553417
Equinox 2023553417
Equinox 20225942121
Equinox 20214732420
Equinox 20204732420
Equinox 20193422617
Equinox 20183422516
Equinox 20173522618
Equinox 20164512517
Equinox 20154522113
Equinox 20143522417
Equinox 20135722218
Equinox 20124635220
Equinox 20116523521
Equinox 20101162322
Equinox 20091483328
Equinox 20085223113
Equinox 200731116

Documents or articles featuring Equinox

Breeding, Marshall. Equinox Shifts to Non-Profit Status. February 2017. Smart Libraries Newsletter. Equinox Open Library Initiative has been established, carrying forward the work of Equinox Software, Inc., to provide services related to open source library software, including the Evergreen ILS, Koha, and the FulfILLment resource sharing environment. This change in status took effect on January 1, 2017. All personnel, assets, and liabilities of Equinox Software, Inc. have transferred to the new organization.

Breeding, Marshall. Equinox Launches Sequoia: New ILS Service Based on Evergreen. February 2014. Smart Libraries Newsletter. In a move to further strengthen its ability to deliver stable and reliable automation to libraries, Equinox Software has launched a new hosting program called Sequoia. Equinox positions Sequoia as a comprehensive software-as-a-service ILS offering based on a new hosting platform with full-service support. It is based on a technical environment for its data centers that manages and provisions software applications with the flexibility to meet the needs of its largest or smallest library customers in a way that minimizes the possibility for downtime and delivers optimal performance. Going forward, Equinox intends to focus strategically on delivering automation to libraries based on open source software hosted on its Sequoia service platform and to transition away from providing support for self-hosted installations. The open source Evergreen ILS will continue as its primary offering for larger libraries and consortia, supplemented by Koha for mid-sized or small libraries preferring a stand-alone implementation. Equinox will continue to provide support for its existing self-hosted clients, but plans to focus on Sequoia-based installations as it markets its services to new potential customers. Equinox will encourage its self-hosted sites to migrate to Sequoia.

Breeding, Marshall. Open Source ILS Continues to Expand. April 2011. Smart Libraries Newsletter. The movement toward open source library automation continues. Recent months have seen many announcements of libraries selecting both Koha and Evergreen to replace proprietary systems. Keeping in mind that proprietary ILS products continue to dominate, both in new selections and in the overall base of installed systems, open source library automation has gained a strong footing in the industry and has become a common option for most types of libraries.

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News Announcements

February 13, 2025. Equinox's 2024 Year In Review: collaboration, innovation, accessibility. Equinox Open Library Initiative, a trusted leader in open source technology development and support for libraries, is excited to announce the publication of the 2024 Year in Review. The Year in Review highlights Equinox's contributions to libraries and open source communities and provides an overview of Equinox's nonprofit activities.

February 11, 2025. Equinox announces Koha ILS support for the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. Equinox Open Library Initiative, a trusted leader in open source technology development and support for libraries, provided Koha ILS support for the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

February 7, 2025. Equinox welcomes Belmont Abbey College to Koha ILS. Equinox Open Library Initiative, a trusted leader in open source technology development and support for libraries, announced that Belmont Abbey College has joined the open source community with their adoption of Koha ILS. Equinox provided implementation and training services during the migration to Koha ILS and will continue to provide hosting and technical support.

January 22, 2025. Equinox announces 2024 Q4 Project Contributions to Evergreen ILS and CORAL ERM. Equinox Open Library Initiative, a trusted leader in open source technology development and support for libraries, announced development projects for Evergreen ILS and CORAL ERM completed in Q4 2024.

January 14, 2025. Equinox welcomes the Missouri Evergreen Consortium to Aspen Discovery. Equinox Open Library Initiative, a trusted leader in open source technology development and support for libraries, is pleased to announce that the Missouri Evergreen Consortium has selected Equinox to provide implementation, hosting, and support for Aspen Discovery. Equinox also provided project management, system configuration, and training for consortium members.

January 9, 2025. Equinox welcomes Odessa College to Koha ILS. Equinox Open Library Initiative, a trusted leader in open source technology development and support for libraries, announced the latest addition to the Koha community with the migration of Odessa College's Learning Resource Center to Koha ILS with Equinox support.

January 7, 2025. Equinox provides VuFind consulting and IT services for the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Equinox Open Library Initiative, a trusted leader in open source technology development and support for libraries, announced its collaboration with the Historical Society of Pennsylvania to provide technical consulting for HSP's implementation of the open source discovery layer, VuFind.

December 12, 2024. Equinox designs children's theme for Aspen Discovery for Central Skagit Library District. Equinox Open Library Initiative, a trusted leader in open source technology development and support for libraries, is pleased to announce the release of a children's theme for Aspen Discovery designed for the Central Skagit Library District, a member of the Skagit Evergreen Libraries.

December 5, 2024. Equinox welcomes the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs to Sequoia Hosting for Evergreen ILS. Equinox Open Library Initiative, a trusted leader in open source technology development and support for libraries, welcomed the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs to Sequoia, Equinox's premiere cloud-based hosting and support service. UBCIC migrated from a self-hosted Evergreen ILS to hosting with Equinox to ensure the sustainability of its unique ILS environment.

November 26, 2024. Equinox partners with Unique Management Services to launch MessageBee SMS for the Pennsylvania Integrated Library System. Equinox Open Library Initiative, a trusted leader in open source technology development and support for libraries, announced that the Pennsylvania Integrated Library System is live on MessageBee SMS services through a partnership with Unique Management Services.

View All Equinox News Announcements

Corporate Chronology

Apr 2020 Equinox appoints Lisa Carlucci as Executive Director
Equinox Open Library Initiative announced that Lisa Carlucci will be joining Equinox as Executive Director beginning April 6, 2020.

Jan 01, 2017 Equinox Shifts to Non-Profit Status
Equinox Open Library Initiative has been established, carrying forward the work of Equinox Software, Inc., to provide services related to open source library software, including the Evergreen ILS, Koha, and the FulfILLment resource sharing environment. This change in status took effect on January 1, 2017. All personnel, assets, and liabilities of Equinox Software, Inc. have transferred to the new organization.

Jan 25, 2012 Equinox Software forms wholly-owned Canadian-based subsidiary, Equinox Library Services Canada
Equinox Software, Inc. announced the formation of a wholly-owned Canadian-based subsidiary, Equinox Library Services Canada. ELSC was formed in response to Canadian libraries requesting that ILS systems be physically located in Canada; all ESLC hosting services will be provided from a Toronto datacenter. ELSC will also provide implementation, support, training, and other services for Evergreen and Koha.

Feb 02, 2007 Equinox Software, Inc. launched
Equinox Software founded as firm dedicated to working with libraries in all aspects of using Evergreen, an enterprise-grade open-source Integrated Library System. Brad LaJeunesse will serve as president.

Annual Accomplishments Statements

[Data source: text supplied for the annual Library Systems Report]

2024 Equinox Accomplishments Narrative

Equinox completed several significant projects in 2024 with key partners, including EveryLibrary, King County Library System, Evergreen Community Development Initiative, Pennsylvania Integrated Library System (PaILS / SPARK), and BC Libraries Cooperative. In addition, Equinox continued to provide grants, sponsorship, community leadership, and in-kind contributions for the Evergreen Project, Koha, CORAL, Aspen Discovery, VuFind, and library associations.

Software Development

Evergreen ILS
Equinox developed and contributed new features, enhancements, and accessibility fixes to Evergreen ILS, including:
  • Multi Factor Authentication for the staff interface, allowing for one or more secondary factors for verification.
  • RESTful API endpoints, giving administrators local control and a variety of configurable endpoints to use for patron, circulation, bibliographic, and item information. This project also includes a special set of endpoints to facilitate integration with discovery layers like Aspen Discovery or VuFind®.
  • A full rewrite of the Record Buckets interface, which provides catalogers with additional options for managing bibliographic records
  • Accessibility enhancements for Evergreen’s public catalog that will improve navigation with screen readers and other accessibility tools and improve usability for all users.
Equinox also provided software development for CORAL ERM, including a major rewrite of the Resource module.


  • Equinox provided branding and instructional design services for EveryLibrary for their library advocacy program, resulting in a new look and feel for the program’s learning modules, and the inclusion of new learning benchmarks and knowledge checks.
  • Equinox collaborated with the Historical Society of Pennsylvania to provide technical consulting for HSP’s implementation of VuFind®, including upgrading HSP’s Discover system and completing the integration of
  • Discover with an important library data source.
  • Equinox partnered with King County Library System to evaluate BIBFRAME editors and metadata conversion in the public library context. Findings of the project will inform future work on modern open source tools for metadata management for public libraries.


  • Equinox created and delivered monthly educational opportunities and resources via the equinoxEDU program. 2024 events highlighted new features and upgrades for Evergreen ILS and Koha ILS, customization options and the Web Builder feature in Aspen Discovery, as well as accessibility considerations in open source software.


  • The Equinox Open Source Grant, which provides Koha ILS hosting and support for under-resourced libraries in non-profit and governmental organizations, continues to support technology services, access to library resources, and the expansion of library services. Grantees reported that the grant provided new opportunities to improve access to their collections and engage in new or revitalized community outreach programs.

For more information, see Equinox’s Year in Review at:

[View Narrative for 2023] [View Narrative for 2022] [View Narrative for 2021] [View Narrative for 2020] [View Narrative for 2019] [View Narrative for 2018] [View Narrative for 2017] [View Narrative for 2016] [View Narrative for 2015] [View Narrative for 2014] [View Narrative for 2013] [View Narrative for 2012] [View Narrative for 2011] [View Narrative for 2010]