Library Technology Guides

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1. Breeding, Marshall. (full text Full text available) Library LANs: case studies in practice and application. Marshall Breeding (ed.) [Number 39]

2. Harken, Henry R. Library LANs: case studies in practice and application. Marshall Breeding (ed.) [Number 39]

3. Alloway, James~Schwarzwalder, Robert. Library LANs: case studies in practice and application. Marshall Breeding (ed.) [Number 39]

4. Skinner, Robert. Library LANs: case studies in practice and application. Marshall Breeding (ed.) [Number 39]

5. Bellamy, Lois M~Silver, John T. Library LANs: case studies in practice and application. Marshall Breeding (ed.) [Number 39]

6. Turhollow, C Anne~Perkins, Michael J. Library LANs: case studies in practice and application. Marshall Breeding (ed.) [Number 39]

7. Chantiny, Martha. Library LANs: case studies in practice and application. Marshall Breeding (ed.) [Number 39]

8. Nelson, Bonnie R. Library LANs: case studies in practice and application. Marshall Breeding (ed.) [Number 39]

9. Kriz, Harry M~Nikhil, Jain~Armstrong, E Alan. Library LANs: case studies in practice and application. Marshall Breeding (ed.) [Number 39]

10. Lewis, David W~Plum, Terry. Library LANs: case studies in practice and application. Marshall Breeding (ed.) [Number 39]

11. Wilson, Thomas C~Bailey, Charles W, Jr.. Library LANs: case studies in practice and application. Marshall Breeding (ed.) [Number 39]

12. Bloomberg, Dave. Library LANs: case studies in practice and application. Marshall Breeding (ed.) [Number 39]

13. Chappell, Mary Ann~O'Brien, Dan~Gasser, Sharon. Library LANs: case studies in practice and application. Marshall Breeding (ed.) [Number 39]

14. Huesmann, James L. Library LANs: case studies in practice and application. Marshall Breeding (ed.) [Number 39]

15. Potter, Laurie. Library LANs: case studies in practice and application. Marshall Breeding (ed.) [Number 39]