1. McGill Michael J~Learn, Larry L~Lydon, Thomas K G. Information technology and libraries [December 1987]
2. Buckland, Michael K. Information technology and libraries [December 1987]
3. Anderson, David A~Duggan, Michael T. Information technology and libraries [December 1987]
4. Epple, Margie~Ginder, Bernice. Information technology and libraries [December 1987]
5. Chitty, A B. Information technology and libraries [December 1987]
6. Taylor, Raymond G. Information technology and libraries [December 1987]
7. Rossouw, S F~van Rooyen, C. Information technology and libraries [December 1987]
8. Germann, Malcom P~Nowak, Elizabeth L~Wilke, Janet Stoeger. Information technology and libraries [December 1987]