Library Technology Guides

Document Repository

1. Burbank, Richard D~Henigman, Barbara. Information technology and libraries [September 1992]

2. Ensor, Pat. Information technology and libraries [September 1992]

3. Beheshti, Jamshid. Information technology and libraries [September 1992]

4. Seaman, Scott. Information technology and libraries [September 1992]

5. Bailey, Charles W, Jr.. Information technology and libraries [September 1992]

6. Khurshid, Zahiruddin. Information technology and libraries [September 1992]

7. Bolin, Robert L. Information technology and libraries [September 1992]

8. Algermissen, Virginia~Helton, Sharon~Smith, Jack. Information technology and libraries [September 1992]

9. Phillips, Gary Lee. Information technology and libraries [September 1992]

10. Lynch, Clifford A. Information technology and libraries [September 1992]

11. Brownrigg, Edwin. Information technology and libraries [September 1992]

12. Coyle, Karen. Information technology and libraries [September 1992]

13. Lipow, Anne Grodzins. Information technology and libraries [September 1992]

14. Ferl, Terry Elen~Millsap, Larry. Information technology and libraries [September 1992]

15. Hagee, Jon~Boewe, Karl-Heinz W. Information technology and libraries [September 1992]