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Christchurch City Libraries of New Zealand choose Sirsi

Press Release: SIRSI Corporation [October 25, 2004]

HUNTSVILLE, Ala.-October 25, 2004-Sirsi Corporation, celebrating 25 years of delivering technology "firsts" to the library community, announced today that the Christchurch Public Libraries of Christchurch, New Zealand, have selected Sirsi technologies to improve cost-effectiveness and deliver new features and functionality. "The system allows greater efficiency internally and offers improvements in the way we hold and access information about our library's users," said Benjamin Day, Christchurch's marketing team leader. "Additionally, the system allows new services and features for our end-users, which will allow for a more seamless and effective engagement with our library system and its resources." Christchurch City Libraries joins other recent Sirsi client wins in the Asia-Pacific region - namely, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Australian Securities and Investments Commission, New South Wales, Australia; Catholic Education Department, New South Wales, Australia; and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Christchurch's suite of Sirsi products includes the Unicorn Library Management System, iBistro e-Library Solution, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Sirsi SIP2 interface, WorkFlows staff interface, and Sirsi 9XX Order Interface for Acquisitions. "For staff, Sirsi technology means more flexibility, an easy-to-use interface, and the scalability to allow the system to grow and add additional functionality as Sirsi is a solid platform system, making staff work more streamlined, the user experience more friendly, and the entire process more efficient," said Day.

"Our vision for the people of Christchurch is to enjoy a lifelong relationship with the library, as they go through various life stages, and for the library to remain relevant and engaging," said Day. "With Sirsi technology, we will continue our tradition of connecting people with information and ideas to create knowledge and enrich lives."

"Sirsi is proud to welcome this outstanding library system to the growing number of libraries throughout New Zealand and Australia that use the Unicorn system," said Lamar Jackson, director of global alliances. "It is a privilege to have our technology used to foster innovative programs that enhance the library experience of end-users."

About Christchurch City Libraries

Christchurch City Libraries value equity, intellectual freedom, manaakitanga (respect, care, and hospitality), empowerment, reliability, working together, and accountability. The purpose of the library is to inform, educate, entertain, involve, and inspire. The outcome is improved personal, social, cultural, and economic well-being for the people of Christchurch.

Christchurch City Libraries operate 13 libraries and 1 mobile library; with an average of 155 items borrowed per hour, totaling approximately 5.5 million items borrowed each year. The libraries add an additional 30,000 borrowers each year with one million items in constant circulation. Special collections include the Aotearoa New Zealand Centre; an active and well-used electronic presence at ttp://, which earns over 2 million visits each year with information seekers downloading 19 million pages; and a significant collection of subscription databases and other electronic resources.

About Sirsi

In 2004, Sirsi Corporation ( celebrates 25 years as the strategic technology partner to more than 10,000 libraries around the world. A strong, growing company, we are dedicated to providing the library community with forward-thinking information technology solutions, including Sirsi Unicorn Library Management System, the first client/server-based and UNIX-based integrated library system; Sirsi iBistro and iLink, the first e-Library solutions with streaming enriched content; Sirsi Rooms, the first suite of context management solutions; and Sirsi Director's Station, the first information analysis tool for library executives. Sirsi maintains operations in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Denmark, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Australia, and China.

View Citation
Publication Year:2004
Type of Material:Press Release
Language English
Issue:October 25, 2004
Publisher:SIRSI Corporation
Place of Publication:Huntsville, AL
Company: SIRSI Corporation
Products: Unicorn
Libraries: Christchurch City Libraries
Subject: System announcements -- selection
Record Number:11160
Last Update:2024-12-28 15:22:06
Date Created:0000-00-00 00:00:00