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Library Management Systems used in Urban Libraries Council members

These graphs indicate what automation systems are used by libraries in based on information recorded in the database. Keep in mind that may not include all the libraries that use any given product.

Automation Systems Installed

Counting by Library Facilities . You can click on each pie slice in the chart below to view lists of libraries that use them.

Total number of library organizations: 178.

Distribution of Library Management Systems in Urban Libraries Council
SirsiDynix Symphony 48 27.0%
Innovative Interfaces, Inc. Polaris 46 25.8%
Innovative Interfaces, Inc. Sierra 43 24.2%
ByWater Solutions Koha -- ByWater Solutions 10 5.6%
SirsiDynix Horizon 10 5.6%
The Library Corporation Carl.X 7 3.9%
None Evergreen -- Independent 3 1.7%
MOBIUS Evergreen -- MOBIUS 3 1.7%
The Library Corporation Library.Solution 3 1.7%
OCLC OCLC Wise 2 1.1%
Catalyst Evergreen -- Catalyst 1 0.6%
PTFS Bibliovation 1 0.6%
Infor V-smart 1 0.6%