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Procurement Details

MnLINK: Resource Sharing Products (2014-10-13)
Organization: MnLINK
Contact Name: Elaine Kelash
E-mail address:
Phone Number: 612-625-6545
Address: 1300 S. 2nd Street,Minneapolis,, Minnesota 55454 United States
Type of Product or ServiceResource Sharing Products
Link to Procurement SiteInstitutional Link
Date Posted2014-10-13
Closing Date2014-12-17
Other InformationThe MnLINK Gateway The MnLINK libraries require a contemporary, reliable, supported, online, flexible, easy-to-use product that will accommodate the requirements of individual libraries, formal library consortia, and both formal and informal partnerships that exist to facilitate resource sharing as well as other common library activities. Full functionality on the Gateway will be available to all of the University of Minnesota’s campuses, the MnSCU libraries, private college and university libraries, state government libraries, regional public library systems, including those K – 12 school and special libraries that participate in a public library or consortia integrated library system, and public libraries accepted for MnLINK membership by MOHE and the MnLINK Gateway Operations Committee. This RFP does not describe a particular server or location architecture for this project, preferring that vendors propose appropriate, cost-effective alternatives for delivering a search interface, patron authentication and interlibrary loan services. These must be provided in real time based upon data retained in the discrete MnLINK Gateway servers. In responding to this request, vendors may consider any server model that meets the access, reliability, efficiency, and capacity requirements within the document. Vendors MUST tie specific solutions to specific budget proposals in their responses to the questions. Use the Pricing Worksheet in the Attachments tab to provide detailed costs. In the future, additional servers and service providers may be added to the MnLINK Gateway. Vendors should anticipate the need for this flexibility.
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