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Press Release: TIND [March 5, 2024]

The MUNCH Museum selects TIND ILS

Oslo, Norway – March 4, 2024. MUNCH's research library has selected TIND ILS as its new library system. "We look forward to offering a modern search experience to our users and upgrading to robust cataloging tools for our librarians. TIND ILS will enable us to make available the most complete material about Edvard Munch and contribute to a better understanding of what the collection consists of," says Marthe Samuelsen, Special Librarian at MUNCH.

The MUNCH research library collection includes all documentation and accrued knowledge about Edvard Munch and consists of about 30.000 items, including Edvard Munch's personal book collection.

The library was looking for a modern ILS that would better be able to convey the content and uniqueness of their collections. A key part of this was to find a system that could provide advanced cataloging tools to better emphasize the details of their library holdings:

"We chose TIND ILS because of its flexibility. We can truly customize the system to highlight the uniqueness of our collection. We are a small and specialized research library with a need for detailed cataloging of literature on Edvard Munch, and among all the systems we considered, TIND ILS was the one to best highlight and emphasize the details in our library holdings and records." - Marthe Samuelsen, Special Librarian at the MUNCH Museum Library.

With its improved user experience and robust features, TIND ILS will reinforce the library's role in facilitating research into the artistic legacy of Edvard Munch. Migrating from Axiell's Mikromarc 3, the library is also looking forward to offering a better search and browse experience to their researchers:

"TIND ILS offers unique ways of describing our various collections, allowing for adding context and details on a collection level, such as textual descriptions and images. Furthermore, we'll also be able to better highlight the subjects used in our cataloging and make these available as facets in the search and browse experience. Together, these aspects all contribute to a better understanding among our users of what our collection consists of and how it's organized." says Marthe Samuelsen, Special Librarian.

About The MUNCH Research Library

The Munch Museum Library is a research library at the MUNCH Museum in Oslo, Norway. It manages the museum collection, including all documentation and knowledge about Edvard Munch, and makes it available for in-house and external research.

About TIND

TIND is an official CERN spin-off providing commercial library management systems, digital preservation, and research data management solutions based on CERN open-source software. Serving academic, public, and special research libraries around the globe, TIND is headquartered in Oslo, Norway. More info at

Summary: The Munch Museum Library research library has selected TIND ILS as its new library system. The MUNCH research library collection includes all documentation and accrued knowledge about Edvard Munch and consists of about 30.000 items, including Edvard Munch's personal book collection.
Publication Year:2024
Type of Material:Press Release
Date Issued:March 5, 2024
Company: TIND
Products: TIND ILS
Libraries: MUNCH Museum

DocumentID: 29846 views: 1033 Created: 2024-03-05 07:36:57 Last Modified: 2025-02-14 06:13:29.