Members of the IFLA Governing Board held a virtual meeting on 5 October 2023. Discussions included agreeing next steps for preparation of key activities and decisions of the face-to-face meeting of the Governing Board in December 2023.
A summary of key discussions and decisions included:
- Discussed a first phase of evidence gathering for the IFLA Strategy 2024-29. IFLA members and volunteers will be invited to contribute to pulse surveys that will inform a planning workshop at the Governing Board's December meeting. Look out for more information on our website, including opportunities to contribute to the development of IFLA's Strategy.
- Confirmed that the Terms of Reference for the proposed Code of Conduct for IFLA volunteers will be prepared by the chairs of the Professional and Regional Councils and Management of Library Associations Section. The Terms of Reference will be considered in December, with the review to progress in 2024.
- Further discussed the formation of the Open Science and Scholarship Advisory Committee and noted that applications for Committee members will be reviewed.
- Approved Christine Oliver and Maja Žumer as expert advisors for the Advisory Committee on Standards.
- Heard and discussed a report on IFLA's finances which are on track with the approved budget.
- Received an update on a positive discussion with Stichting IFLA Global Libraries Foundation, building on the mid-term report that highlighted the impact of our collaboration.
- Held an initial discussion regarding the advice from the Emirates Library and Information Association that the invitation to hold WLIC 2024 in Dubai was withdrawn. The Governing Board decided to move quickly to explore what activities could take place, in the light of the fact that no WLIC will take place next year, and to gather ideas and suggestions from members and volunteers in this process.
- Given that there were no formal bids for WLIC 2025, the Governing Board is taking a targeted approach to potential hosts. The principles and criteria to be applied to the decision for WLIC 2025 will be agreed at the November 2023 Governing Board meeting.
- Regarding future WLICs in 2026 and beyond, the Governing Board reaffirmed its commitment to a full review of the model for WLIC. A working group is preparing Terms of Reference to be endorsed by the Governing Board at its December meeting. The review, to start in 2024, will include wider discussion and consultation with associations, the wider membership and volunteers.