Atlanta, Ga., April 7, 2022: Equinox Open Library Initiative, a trusted leader in open source technology development and support for libraries, is pleased to present at this year's New England Technical Services Librarians (NETSL) Conference which will be held on April 8, 2022. Rogan Hamby and Jennifer Weston will be presenting "Technical Services: Be a Report Warrior and Data Analysis Hero," with a focus on library reporting that takes collections development and analysis to the next level.
"We wanted to provide a session that we would have wanted to attend ourselves – one that goes beyond standard reports to provide enhanced assessment opportunities for library collection usage," said Jennifer Weston, Product and Education Specialist at Equinox. "Libraries can optimize the templates provided out of the box to really get the most out of the reporting system and have the opportunity to brainstorm with your colleagues to see what's possible."
NETSL is a section of the New England Library Association (NELA) and a regional group of the American Library Association (ALA). NETSL hosts their conference annually in the Spring to bring together those with a shared interest in technical services for libraries. This will be the third year that the conference will be offered in a virtual format.
"The whole organization thrives when strategic decisions are made on great data. Cataloging reports are uniquely positioned to provide that lens to staff," said Rogan Hamby, Data and Project Analyst at Equinox. "We are excited to workshop this idea with attendees of the 2022 NETSL Conference."
About Equinox Open Library Initiative
Equinox Open Library Initiative is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and is the successor to Equinox Software, Inc. Equinox's mission as a nonprofit is to promote and support a thriving ecosystem for open source library communities in order to provide libraries worldwide with innovative, affordable, and sustainable open source solutions. We are devoted to reducing barriers to library technology and services, expanding library access to open source software, and providing high quality technology, consulting, and support services.To learn more, please visit