The Library Corporation (TLC) is pleased to announce it has received a platinum award in LibraryWorks' eighth annual Modern Library Awards (MLAs) for its FRBRized online catalog, CARL.Connect Discovery Grouped Title Display.
The MLAs were created to recognize top products and services in the library industry in a truly unbiased format. Products and services were submitted in the fall of 2021 by using a simple application and then were posted on a private site with an enhanced description and attendant materials. The submitted products were batched into small groups and sent to the LibraryWorks database of more than 80,000 librarians at public, K-12, academic, and special libraries.
Only customers with experience using CARL.Connect Discovery Grouped Title Displays in their libraries were permitted to judge, resulting in a truly unbiased score. Each judge scored CARL.Connect Discovery Grouped Title Displays on a numeric basis from 1-10 on a series of questions regarding functionality, value, customer services, etc.
- Customers rated their satisfaction with TLC, on average, as 9.75
- The FRBR catalog received an overall score of 9.15
Grouped Title Display functionality in CARL.Connect Discovery displays a single entry for a work instead of numerous entries for each format and edition. Grouping multiple editions and formats of a bibliographic record gives library users a clear and trustworthy view of the library collection. CARL customers have been included in the development of Grouped Title Display from its inception, with active feedback reflected in the product.
One customer judge shared anonymously, "The grouped title display consolidated over 100 records for Pride and Prejudice into a single trusted record with all of the individual bibliographic records organized by format, making it easy for patrons to find the version they are interested in."
Other customers have expressed similarly positive feedback with TLC and with Grouped Title Display:
"Access is one of our core values — we believe in every individual's free and confidential access to information, technology, research, classes, history, and resources. This feature provides a seamless searching experience, enabling us to live this value every day as we strive to be a model library in our industry."
— Melissa Schneider, Assistant Director, Winter Park Library
"With about a million bibliographic records, The Library Network's shared catalog includes multiple editions and formats for many titles, especially classics. FRBR helps our patrons by grouping records under format labels so they can quickly pinpoint and locate the title and type of material that they are looking for."
— Celia Morse, Automation Services Consultant, The Library Network
"We would be doing a disservice to our customers by not providing them with a modern and user-friendly discovery catalog. The transition to the TLC's modern FRBR catalog was seamless for customers and staff, and we have no regrets about our decision!"
— Wennie Fleming, ILS Librarian at Loudoun County Public Library
Jenny Newman, publisher and MLA program manager said, "It's hardly a surprise that TLC scored so well. They've been at the forefront of the industry since their company entered the market in 1974."
For more information on the CARL product suite, please visit or speak to a representative at
About The Library Corporation
TLC has operated continuously under the same ownership since 1974 and employs over 200 people dedicated to delivering enterprise software and hardware solutions to public, school, academic, and special libraries worldwide. TLC's cumulative products are deployed in more than 1,100 organizations, representing over 5,500 locations in North America and worldwide. TLC is certified by the U.S. General Services Administration, Women's Business Enterprise National Council, and the Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contracting Program. TLC's Headquarters is based in Inwood, W.Va., and has additional offices in Colorado, Minnesota, and Singapore.
About LibraryWorks
LibraryWorks helps administrators to make informed decisions about library technology, automation and software, collection development and management, facilities and furnishings, staffing, purchasing, and other areas that drive effective strategic planning and day-to-day operations. Our family of resources can enable you to identify best practices, monitor trends, evaluate new products and services, apply for grants and funding, post or find a job, and even enjoy some library humor.
About the Modern Library Awards program
The Modern Library Awards (MLAs) is a review program designed to recognize elite products and services in the market which can help library management personnel enhance the quality-of-experience for the library user and increase the performance of their library systems.