Villanova, Pennsylvania - February 22, 2021 - Version 7.1 of the VuFind Open Source discovery software has just been released. This minor release focuses on improving compatibility while also adding several new features and fixes.
Some key additions and changes:
- The new "Record Versions" feature links together records representing different versions of the same work.
- The software has been fully tested for compatibility with the newly-released PHP 8.
- The included Solr index has been upgraded to version 7.7.3.
- Shibboleth authentication support has been improved and made more flexible.
- Logging to Office365 webhooks (useful for Microsoft Teams integration) is now supported.
Additionally, several bug fixes, new configuration options, performance enhancements and minor improvements have been incorporated.
Questions about the new release or VuFind in general can be directed to Demian Katz, the lead developer of the project at Villanova University. The software and its documentation may be found at