With the recent acquisition of RBdigital by OverDrive, TLC is pleased to announce that all former RBdigital customers are now eligible to utilize eBiblioFile, an on-demand MARC record service for eBooks and other downloadable titles. This service has been available to OverDrive customers as well as cloudLibrary by bibliotheca customers.
As libraries enter into the tenth month of a global pandemic, many are facing uncertain futures as they grapple with pending closures, social distancing guidelines and protocols, and a public that may be reluctant to enter indoor public areas. Neither public libraries nor school libraries are immune to this struggle.
One thing that many libraries can attest to is the growth and demand in eBooks. Julie Harder, a Teacher Librarian at Pattonville School District, shared, "Between August and November of 2019 compared to August and November in 2020, we've seen a 144% increase in our e-resource use. Since kids now know how to access books any time and any place, we're going to continue to see this increased use. So I think we need to start putting more of our budget toward electronic resources."
The next step after adding e-content to a library's collection is for the library's community to be able to discover the content in the catalog. Data-rich records are crucial for this to happen.
eBiblioFile was created to provide libraries with the very best data possible to enhance the discovery experience of a borrower. eBiblioFile automatically receives that information and delivers ready-to-load records for each title directly to the library. Records are RDA-ified, authority controlled, contain the library's predefined custom fields, and have a URL link to the title on the eResource vendor website. These records are delivered within 24-48 hours and — at $1 a record — eBiblioFIle is ⅔ the cost of other vendors offering similar services with longer delivery times.
Since eBiblioFile's creation in 2012, over 4.1 million records have been delivered to libraries all over the globe to enhance and improve data, discovery, and library usage.
About eBiblioFile
eBiblioFile is an on-demand service that creates and delivers MARC records with enhanced RDA fields for eBooks and other downloadable library titles. Records are delivered for every title, every time. Additionally, libraries can use eBiblioFile to receive RDA MARC records for previously ordered eResource titles, and can utilize the optional RDAExpress service to convert MARC records for traditional print titles to the RDA cataloging standard.
For more information, visit TLCdelivers.com/data-services/
About The Library Corporation:
TLC has operated continuously under the same ownership since 1974 and employs over 200 people dedicated to delivering enterprise software and hardware solutions to public, school, academic, and special libraries worldwide. TLC's cumulative products are deployed in more than 1,100 organizations, representing over 5,500 locations in North America. TLC is certified by the U.S. General Services Administration, Women's Business Enterprise National Council, and the Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contracting Program. TLC's Headquarters is based in Inwood, W.Va., and has additional offices in Denver, Minnesota, and Singapore.