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Press Release: JISC [October 4, 2020]

Publications Router is integrated with Haplo

Publications Router, the service from Jisc that adds research articles automatically to repositories, is now fully interoperable with Haplo Repository, an open-source repository and research information management system. This means that the Router service is now available to you if your institution uses Haplo and is a Jisc member.

Seamless integration

Once Router has matched articles to your institution, rich metadata and often the full text arrives in Haplo seamlessly, via direct integration with Router's API. Once there, Haplo matches these imports to the relevant authors in your institution. You and they can then review them, amending if necessary, before deciding whether to accept them and make them public.

Successful pilots

The new functionality, developed by the team at Haplo and supported by discussions with us at Jisc, has been tested by two pilot institutions who tried it out using feeds from Router into test instances of Haplo. This demonstrated that the integration worked successfully, meeting the institutions' needs. They have both now progressed to receiving the feeds into their live systems.

We and Haplo are therefore now pleased to offer it more widely to institutions that use Haplo as their repository.

About Publications Router and Haplo

Publications Router captures content such as research articles from publishers and other providers and delivers it straight into the repositories of institutions to which the authors are affiliated. The resulting notifications consist of rich, authoritative metadata and often the full text of the articles themselves.

Haplo provides a single repository for an institution's research, enabling all research outputs related to a project to be stored together and searched simultaneously, whether datasets, traditional or non-traditional output types. It's part of Haplo Research Manager, a research information management system.

How to take up the service

If your institution is a full UK HEI member of Jisc and uses Haplo, you can benefit from Router at no additional charge. To get started, get in touch via, mentioning Publications Router and Haplo in the subject line. We'll be happy to arrange a call to enable you to see whether this is right for you and, if so, support you in making it happen.

Summary: Publications Router, the service from Jisc that adds research articles automatically to repositories, is now fully interoperable with Haplo Repository, an open-source repository and research information management system. This means that the Router service is now available to you if your institution uses Haplo and is a Jisc member.
Publication Year:2020
Type of Material:Press Release
Date Issued:October 4, 2020
Company: JISC

DocumentID: 25570 views: 207 Created: 2020-10-04 13:12:50 Last Modified: 2025-01-29 02:32:02.