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Press Release: MOBIUS [August 10, 2020]

MOBIUS Migrates Carteret County Library to NC Cardinal Consortium

Columbia, MO - August 10, 2020 -- MOBIUS announced that the Carteret County Library successfully migrated and went live as a member of the NC Cardinal Consortium, which utilizes the Evergreen ILS, on July 16, 2020.

MOBIUS performed data migration services to the Evergreen ILS as part of its MOSS (MOBIUS Open Source Solutions) service. MOBIUS also provides data hosting and support to the NC Cardinal consortium.

About the Carteret County Library (NC)

The Carteret County Public Library ( is a five-branch county library system that serves a population of nearly 70,000 residents on the Crystal Coast. A former member of the CPC Regional Library, in 2019 officials voted to move administrative control of the library to the local level.

About NC Cardinal

NC Cardinal was conceived in 2009 and formed in 2010 "to make the combined resources of North Carolina's public libraries available to all people of the state through a shared catalog and a statewide library card." Over the first five years of its existence, NC Cardinal has broadened its focus beyond "a shared catalog and a statewide library card" to providing cost savings, collaborative collection development, and resource sharing among Member Libraries.

Today, the shared catalog contains almost 7.2 million items. Over 68 million items have been circulated and over 2.2 million items were shared between Member Libraries since 2013, with an average of 34,535 items shared through resource sharing per month in FY 19-20. NC Cardinal is a program of the State Library of North Carolina, supported by grant funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Federal Library Services and Technology Act.


MOBIUS ( is a not-for-profit, 501 (C)(3) tax-exempt organization that is transforming library services with cost-effective help desk, training, technical resources, courier management, and procurement services. The MOBIUS consortium is comprised of over 75 Sierra libraries with 192 branches. Members benefit from shared services and technology expertise, and a resource-sharing network of over 30 million items. MOBIUS offers managed services for Sierra and INN-Reach, and MOSS, a complete hosting and management service for the Evergreen Open Source ILS. Offices are located in Columbia, Missouri and its customers and members span the states of Missouri, Oklahoma, Iowa, Kansas, North Carolina, Arkansas, and Texas.

Summary: MOBIUS announced that the Carteret County Library successfully migrated and went live as a member of the NC Cardinal Consortium, which utilizes the Evergreen ILS, on July 16, 2020.
Publication Year:2020
Type of Material:Press Release
Date Issued:August 10, 2020
Company: MOBIUS
Products: Evergreen
Libraries: Carteret County Library
Subject: System announcements -- installations

DocumentID: 25405 views: 306 Created: 2020-08-10 11:36:42 Last Modified: 2025-02-01 13:58:48.