The Library Corporation (December 16, 2019) – The release of Library.Solution for Schools 5.5.x introduced updated inventory workflows to support a librarian's shelf management tasks.
"Our goal with LS2 Inventory was not to change the nature of shelf management, but provide new layers of transparency and collaboration," said Sarah Simmons, the lead Product Manager for the updated inventory workflows.
Using the updated inventory workflows, all tasks happen within a closed loop, meaning all inventory related information is enclosed within the module from where it begins, to a new, convenient, final review feature.
During final review, TLC introduced a series of redundancies to safeguard against marking items missing by mistake. However, since mistakes can still happen, we built in a roll-back solution. This solution enables librarians to silo an inventory that contains missing items, ensuring the system accurately reflects the status of items within the inventoried collection.
Along with the workflow improvements made by the addition of LS2 Inventory to the Library.Solution and Library.Solution for Schools Library Management Platforms, TLC also added two new reports to further support library staff when fulfilling inventory tasks, Count of Items Inventoried by Dates and Statuses and Count of Items Inventoried by Holdings Codes and Date found in LS2 Reports, TLC's reporting tool powered by IBM Cognos.
LS2 Inventory, along with numerous other improvements are included at no additional cost with the Library.Solution and Library.Solution for Schools Library Management Platforms. For more information regarding these solutions, please contact TLC at or call 1.800.325.7759.
About The Library Corporation:
TLC has operated continuously under the same ownership since 1974 and employs over 200 people dedicated to delivering enterprise software and hardware solutions to public, school, academic, and special libraries worldwide. TLC's cumulative products are deployed in more than 1,100 organizations, representing over 5,500 locations in North America. TLC is certified by the U.S. General Services Administration, Women's Business Enterprise National Council, and the Women Owned Small Business Federal Contracting Program. TLC's Headquarters is based in Inwood, W.Va., and has additional offices in Denver, Minnesota, and Singapore. To learn more, visit