Library Technology Guides

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Library Technology Guides

2024 Library Automation Perceptions Survey

Please respond to this year's International Library Automation Survey conducted through Library Technology Guides. The survey measures the levels of satisfaction that libraries have in their strategic technology products and their perceptions of the quality of service and support that they receive. The results of this survey provide valuable information to libraries as they formulate technology strategies and to vendors as they refine their support services and product development.

The report based on the 2023 survey, with links to previous reports is available:

2023 Library Automation Survey

I am now collecting responses for the 2024 edition of the survey. Please take this opportunity to register the perceptions of the library automation system used in your library, its vendor, and the quality of support delivered. The survey also probes at considerations for migrating to new systems, involvement in discovery products, and the level of interest in open source ILS. While the numeric rating scales support the statistical results of the study, the comments offered also provide interesting insights into the current state of library automation satisfaction.

This year's survey includes brief sections for academic library discovery services and public library interfaces.

If you have responded to previous editions of the survey, please give your responses again this year. By responding to the survey each year, you help identify long-term trends in the changing perceptions of these companies and products.

The survey is brief and should not take more than 15 or 20 minutes to complete.

Note: We are interested in the perspectives of both library personnel involved in administering the system as well as those who work in libraries using it. If your library is part of a consortium or network, responses are welcomed from both the central office that manages the system and the individual libraries.

As with the previous versions of the survey, only one response per library is allowed and any individual can respond only for one library. These restrictions ensure that no single organization or individual can skew the statistics. While all the individuals that work in a library may have their own opinions, please respond to the extent that you can from the general experiences of your library.

How to participate

The survey links each response to the listing for a library in the directory. This connection provides the ability to correlate responses with the extensive library demographic data in

  1. Find your library in
    Find your library:
    (hint: for public libraries, enter city or county)
  2. Select and view the listing for your library
  3. Press the button
  4. Complete the form and write in your comments!

When viewing the entry for your library in the directory, please check for any incomplete or inaccurate information and let me know of any needed changes.

If your library isn't listed in, please submit its information.

If you have responded to the survey previously, you can respond to the survey easily by logging in to your account and selecting the option from your portfolio of libraries.