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Statistical Report for Koha -- ByWater Solutions

2024 Survey Results
Product: Koha -- ByWater Solutions Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction97 1 1 1 3 3 23 41 24 87.708
ILS Functionality97 1 1 1 2 7 20 43 22 87.668
Print Functionality96 1 1 5 17 32 40 98.048
Electronic Functionality87 4 1 2 3 5 8 9 21 20 14 76.457
Company Satisfaction96 2 1 2 9 12 27 43 97.908
Support Satisfaction97 2 1 2 3 7 12 22 48 97.888
Support Improvement0 00.00
Company Loyalty96 1 1 3 3 9 7 23 49 97.849
Open Source Interest81 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 9 16 98.7710

Considering new ILS99 55.05%
Considering new Interface99 77.07%
System Installed on time?99 00.00%

Average Collection size: 148668


Size CategoryCount
[1] Under 10,0008
[2] 10,001-100,00041
[3] 100,001-250,00024
[4] 250,001-1,000,00012
[5] 1,000,001-10,000,0002
[6] over 10,000,0010

2023 Survey Results
Product: Koha -- ByWater Solutions Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction155 1 1 3 2 3 7 33 60 45 87.708
ILS Functionality154 1 2 1 4 8 38 61 39 87.648
Print Functionality152 3 1 1 1 5 2 25 60 54 87.818
Electronic Functionality145 6 3 3 6 6 16 13 28 42 22 86.487
Company Satisfaction155 2 2 4 6 24 49 68 98.008
Support Satisfaction154 2 3 1 9 6 19 42 72 97.898
Support Improvement0 00.00
Company Loyalty151 1 1 2 5 6 22 41 73 98.018
Open Source Interest101 9 4 2 1 6 2 4 10 17 97.7310

Considering new ILS157 95.73%
Considering new Interface157 106.37%
System Installed on time?157 00.00%

Average Collection size: 159651


Size CategoryCount
[1] Under 10,00014
[2] 10,001-100,00090
[3] 100,001-250,00022
[4] 250,001-1,000,00017
[5] 1,000,001-10,000,0006
[6] over 10,000,0010

2022 Survey Results
Product: Koha -- ByWater Solutions Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction133 1 2 1 7 28 43 51 97.928
ILS Functionality133 1 2 1 1 10 27 53 38 87.768
Print Functionality131 1 3 2 1 5 22 49 48 87.868
Electronic Functionality120 1 1 4 4 6 14 16 25 26 23 86.677
Company Satisfaction131 1 1 1 1 2 19 36 70 98.229
Support Satisfaction132 2 1 4 24 28 73 98.209
Support Improvement0 00.00
Company Loyalty132 3 2 1 1 3 4 15 24 79 98.029
Open Source Interest83 9 1 1 1 1 4 3 5 5 16 97.6710

Considering new ILS137 64.38%
Considering new Interface137 42.92%
System Installed on time?137 00.00%

Average Collection size: 177938


Size CategoryCount
[1] Under 10,00011
[2] 10,001-100,00088
[3] 100,001-250,00014
[4] 250,001-1,000,00012
[5] 1,000,001-10,000,0005
[6] over 10,000,0010

2021 Survey Results
Product: Koha -- ByWater Solutions Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction140 1 1 3 36 58 41 87.948
ILS Functionality140 1 1 3 8 39 54 34 87.708
Print Functionality138 1 1 7 21 54 54 88.068
Electronic Functionality135 6 1 3 5 3 18 20 27 27 25 76.477
Company Satisfaction139 1 4 2 17 53 62 98.188
Support Satisfaction138 1 4 3 24 41 65 98.148
Support Improvement0 00.00
Company Loyalty137 2 1 2 3 1 19 44 65 98.048
Open Source Interest77 6 1 1 1 2 2 5 27 98.2710

Considering new ILS141 42.84%
Considering new Interface141 53.55%
System Installed on time?141 00.00%

Average Collection size: 244844


Size CategoryCount
[1] Under 10,0008
[2] 10,001-100,00079
[3] 100,001-250,00033
[4] 250,001-1,000,00013
[5] 1,000,001-10,000,0005
[6] over 10,000,0010

2020 Survey Results
Product: Koha -- ByWater Solutions Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction170 1 1 2 2 7 40 61 56 87.848
ILS Functionality170 1 1 2 2 10 45 63 46 87.728
Print Functionality169 1 2 1 1 2 5 33 53 71 97.958
Electronic Functionality157 4 3 3 3 9 12 18 34 36 35 86.777
Company Satisfaction166 2 1 4 6 26 45 82 98.108
Support Satisfaction169 1 2 3 6 16 46 95 98.269
Support Improvement0 00.00
Company Loyalty166 1 2 2 4 5 21 38 93 98.139
Open Source Interest101 13 3 2 8 2 5 6 21 97.3810

Considering new ILS173 52.89%
Considering new Interface173 42.31%
System Installed on time?173 00.00%

Average Collection size: 143006


Size CategoryCount
[1] Under 10,00015
[2] 10,001-100,00099
[3] 100,001-250,00036
[4] 250,001-1,000,00011
[5] 1,000,001-10,000,0004
[6] over 10,000,0010

Statistics according to type and size categories

The following table presents the 2019 results according to the type and size of the library.

2019 Koha -- ByWater Solutions Responses by Sector
Koha -- ByWater SolutionsallAcademicPublicSchoolConsortium
SatisfactionLevelILS1297.87 317.5840578.1187.63045
ILSFunctionality1287.69 307.4040577.9687.25045
PrintFunctionality1268.19 307.8740568.3977.71045
ElectronicFunctionality1226.53 306.4030546.5086.63045
SatisfactionCustomerSupport1288.27 318.0340568.3688.13045
CompanyLoyalty1227.89 287.5430557.8288.50044

2019 Survey Results
Product: Koha -- ByWater Solutions Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction129 1 1 1 4 7 22 45 48 97.878
ILS Functionality128 1 1 1 5 10 24 52 34 87.698
Print Functionality126 1 2 5 13 43 62 98.198
Electronic Functionality122 4 1 4 4 5 16 16 19 30 23 86.537
Company Satisfaction128 1 2 4 11 42 68 98.289
Support Satisfaction128 1 1 5 15 36 70 98.279
Support Improvement123 3 8 27 7 13 24 41 97.078
Company Loyalty122 4 3 2 4 3 11 21 74 97.899
Open Source Interest107 6 3 2 3 4 2 4 11 72 97.649

Considering new ILS130 75.38%
Considering new Interface130 2116.15%
System Installed on time?130 12495.38%

Average Collection size: 2470664


Size CategoryCount
[1] Under 10,00014
[2] 10,001-100,00076
[3] 100,001-250,00022
[4] 250,001-1,000,00011
[5] 1,000,001-10,000,0004
[6] over 10,000,0011

2018 Survey Results
Product: Koha -- ByWater Solutions Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction129 1 2 6 3 32 46 39 87.778
ILS Functionality128 1 1 2 5 10 36 50 23 87.468
Print Functionality127 1 1 1 3 7 18 46 50 97.928
Electronic Functionality121 2 2 4 7 14 19 35 21 17 76.567
Company Satisfaction127 1 2 1 4 4 17 33 65 98.069
Support Satisfaction125 1 1 1 2 1 4 14 39 62 98.098
Support Improvement123 1 2 1 11 19 6 21 26 36 97.008
Company Loyalty128 3 1 1 5 6 13 34 65 97.929
Open Source Interest113 5 1 1 1 4 2 2 97 98.259

Considering new ILS130 32.31%
Considering new Interface130 86.15%
System Installed on time?130 12193.08%

Average Collection size: 123904


Size CategoryCount
[1] Under 10,0003
[2] 10,001-100,00088
[3] 100,001-250,00027
[4] 250,001-1,000,0006
[5] 1,000,001-10,000,0003
[6] over 10,000,0010

2017 Survey Results
Product: Koha -- ByWater Solutions Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction173 1 5 5 10 40 55 57 97.758
ILS Functionality172 1 6 9 14 43 62 37 87.478
Print Functionality172 2 1 6 3 10 32 60 58 87.728
Electronic Functionality164 4 2 7 3 6 22 24 29 46 21 86.487
Company Satisfaction171 1 1 2 6 11 27 46 77 97.948
Support Satisfaction171 1 1 3 9 11 25 35 86 97.939
Support Improvement164 1 3 11 37 14 15 38 45 96.938
Company Loyalty169 5 2 4 5 14 8 22 31 78 97.418
Open Source Interest158 11 4 1 8 5 2 10 9 108 97.539

Considering new ILS175 105.71%
Considering new Interface175 179.71%
System Installed on time?175 16694.86%

Average Collection size: 90943


Size CategoryCount
[1] Under 10,00021
[2] 10,001-100,000108
[3] 100,001-250,00031
[4] 250,001-1,000,00010
[5] 1,000,001-10,000,0001
[6] over 10,000,0010

2016 Survey Results
Product: Koha -- ByWater Solutions Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction124 1 1 1 4 8 25 47 37 87.748
ILS Functionality124 2 2 2 3 10 32 52 21 87.448
Print Functionality124 3 1 1 1 2 6 28 45 37 87.618
Electronic Functionality120 9 3 8 5 8 18 24 30 15 86.177
Company Satisfaction124 1 1 1 2 1 10 15 37 56 97.948
Support Satisfaction121 1 1 2 4 9 11 41 52 97.908
Support Improvement110 2 3 29 6 18 21 31 97.007
Company Loyalty120 1 1 1 4 8 6 14 28 57 97.788
Open Source Interest109 8 1 1 1 4 4 1 4 8 77 97.649

Considering new ILS125 32.40%
Considering new Interface125 108.00%
System Installed on time?125 12196.80%

Average Collection size: 85491


Size CategoryCount
[1] Under 10,00016
[2] 10,001-100,00080
[3] 100,001-250,00022
[4] 250,001-1,000,0005
[5] 1,000,001-10,000,0001
[6] over 10,000,0010

2015 Survey Results
Product: Koha -- ByWater Solutions Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction152 3 2 1 2 7 11 33 50 43 87.438
ILS Functionality152 1 1 2 3 4 5 17 37 59 23 87.208
Print Functionality150 2 2 2 4 1 5 4 22 56 52 87.618
Electronic Functionality140 8 2 2 4 7 14 22 27 34 20 86.357
Company Satisfaction152 3 2 1 3 2 4 12 18 44 63 97.628
Support Satisfaction149 2 1 2 4 7 11 21 36 65 97.708
Support Improvement145 2 1 9 36 9 12 21 55 97.038
Company Loyalty146 7 2 4 5 8 11 10 32 67 97.348
Open Source Interest130 10 3 2 7 4 2 3 11 88 97.469

Considering new ILS155 53.23%
Considering new Interface155 1610.32%
System Installed on time?155 14996.13%

Average Collection size: 101914


Size CategoryCount
[1] Under 10,00012
[2] 10,001-100,000100
[3] 100,001-250,00023
[4] 250,001-1,000,00013
[5] 1,000,001-10,000,0002
[6] over 10,000,0010

2014 Survey Results
Product: Koha -- ByWater Solutions Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction116 1 1 1 9 12 30 39 23 87.348
ILS Functionality116 3 1 2 6 18 31 35 20 87.177
Print Functionality115 1 1 6 9 20 47 31 87.698
Electronic Functionality112 3 4 2 4 3 11 14 31 28 12 76.437
Company Satisfaction116 1 2 3 6 8 23 30 43 97.618
Support Satisfaction115 1 1 1 2 6 12 21 25 46 97.638
Support Improvement110 1 1 3 9 24 9 16 16 31 96.737
Company Loyalty111 1 3 1 3 6 10 8 9 23 47 97.268
Open Source Interest101 6 1 2 2 1 5 1 4 12 67 97.659

Considering new ILS119 75.88%
Considering new Interface119 1210.08%
System Installed on time?119 10991.60%

Average Collection size: 97617


Size CategoryCount
[1] Under 10,00014
[2] 10,001-100,00072
[3] 100,001-250,00017
[4] 250,001-1,000,0009
[5] 1,000,001-10,000,0001
[6] over 10,000,0010

2013 Survey Results
Product: Koha -- ByWater Solutions Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction89 1 1 2 3 8 19 27 28 97.618
ILS Functionality89 1 1 2 4 9 29 25 18 77.297
Print Functionality89 1 2 1 2 3 15 32 33 97.848
Electronic Functionality85 3 3 2 1 3 10 12 17 20 14 86.467
Company Satisfaction89 1 1 2 1 3 5 10 25 41 97.838
Support Satisfaction88 1 2 1 1 4 3 10 24 42 97.848
Support Improvement82 1 1 1 13 8 11 19 28 97.308
Company Loyalty88 4 2 2 1 7 1 9 14 48 97.489
Open Source Interest78 2 1 1 1 1 6 2 2 62 98.009

Considering new ILS91 33.30%
Considering new Interface91 77.69%
System Installed on time?91 8694.51%

Average Collection size: 100698


Size CategoryCount
[1] Under 10,0005
[2] 10,001-100,00057
[3] 100,001-250,00016
[4] 250,001-1,000,0006
[5] 1,000,001-10,000,0000
[6] over 10,000,0010

2012 Survey Results
Product: Koha -- ByWater Solutions Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction63 1 1 5 14 25 17 87.788
ILS Functionality63 1 1 2 4 18 27 10 87.488
Print Functionality0 00.00
Electronic Functionality0 00.00
Company Satisfaction63 1 1 1 2 12 11 35 98.119
Support Satisfaction63 1 1 2 14 12 33 98.059
Support Improvement59 1 2 4 5 5 6 13 23 97.278
Company Loyalty61 2 2 2 2 8 8 37 98.029
Open Source Interest57 2 1 2 2 3 2 45 98.219

Considering new ILS65 00.00%
Considering new Interface65 11.54%
System Installed on time?65 5990.77%

Average Collection size: 148035


Size CategoryCount
[1] Under 10,0004
[2] 10,001-100,00044
[3] 100,001-250,0009
[4] 250,001-1,000,0005
[5] 1,000,001-10,000,0001
[6] over 10,000,0010

2011 Survey Results
Product: Koha -- ByWater Solutions Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction59 1 1 3 3 13 23 15 87.618
ILS Functionality59 1 1 3 9 17 17 11 77.257
Print Functionality0 00.00
Electronic Functionality0 00.00
Company Satisfaction59 2 1 1 8 18 29 98.078
Support Satisfaction59 1 2 3 7 11 35 98.179
Support Improvement56 1 11 6 4 9 25 97.438
Company Loyalty59 2 2 2 3 3 9 38 97.989
Open Source Interest49 2 1 1 2 2 3 38 98.069

Considering new ILS62 00.00%
Considering new Interface62 58.06%
System Installed on time?62 5995.16%

Average Collection size: 104566


Size CategoryCount
[1] Under 10,0007
[2] 10,001-100,00034
[3] 100,001-250,0008
[4] 250,001-1,000,0005
[5] 1,000,001-10,000,0000
[6] over 10,000,0010

2010 Survey Results
Product: Koha -- ByWater Solutions Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction37 1 2 12 8 14 97.868
ILS Functionality0 00.00
Print Functionality0 00.00
Electronic Functionality0 00.00
Company Satisfaction37 4 14 19 98.419
Support Satisfaction36 3 14 19 98.449
Support Improvement37 1 3 10 23 98.469
Company Loyalty37 2 6 29 98.739
Open Source Interest37 37 99.009

Considering new ILS40 12.50%
Considering new Interface40 12.50%
System Installed on time?40 3690.00%

Average Collection size: 57706


Size CategoryCount
[1] Under 10,0004
[2] 10,001-100,00028
[3] 100,001-250,0005
[4] 250,001-1,000,0001
[5] 1,000,001-10,000,0000
[6] over 10,000,0010

1 Responses for Koha -- ByWater Solutions in 2009

0 Responses for Koha -- ByWater Solutions in 2008

0 Responses for Koha -- ByWater Solutions in 2007

2024 : gen: 7.70 company 7.90 loyalty 7.84 support 7.88

2023 : gen: 7.70 company 8.00 loyalty 8.01 support 7.89

2022 : gen: 7.92 company 8.22 loyalty 8.02 support 8.20

2021 : gen: 7.94 company 8.18 loyalty 8.04 support 8.14

2020 : gen: 7.84 company 8.10 loyalty 8.13 support 8.26

2019 : gen: 7.87 company 8.28 loyalty 7.89 support 8.27

2018 : gen: 7.77 company 8.06 loyalty 7.92 support 8.09

2017 : gen: 7.75 company 7.94 loyalty 7.41 support 7.93

2016 : gen: 7.74 company 7.94 loyalty 7.78 support 7.90

2015 : gen: 7.43 company 7.62 loyalty 7.34 support 7.70

2014 : gen: 7.34 company 7.61 loyalty 7.26 support 7.63

2013 : gen: 7.61 company 7.83 loyalty 7.48 support 7.84

2012 : gen: 7.78 company 8.11 loyalty 8.02 support 8.05

2011 : gen: 7.61 company 8.07 loyalty 7.98 support 8.17

2010 : gen: 7.86 company 8.41 loyalty 8.73 support 8.44

Comments (survey2019)

I am very pleased with Bywater Solutions Koha, they have the best customer service, continual forward thinking upgrades, very well priced, they are the best company you could ever want to work with. If you have an unusual request they will find the answer and take care of everything, so I feel they go above and beyond! (Library type: Public; collection size: medium; ils satisfaction: 9)

Our ILS is Koha, and was implemented by Bywater Solutions who manage and host our system. We are very pleased with their services and support (Library type: Academic; collection size: small; ils satisfaction: 8)

We will be considering participation in FOLIO when it (or portions of it) goes public (Library type: Academic; collection size: medium; ils satisfaction: 8)

We are very happy with Koha and ByWater support. Previously it was a challenge just get a response from our ILS vendor. With ByWater, we reclassified the collection and tagged all volumes with RFID chips. We further were able to customize our ILS, as well as to support development benefiting our library and the entire Koha community. With our previous ILS vendor we did not even have access to our own data. With Koha & ByWater we have full control, including with the development of features required for our specialized readership. (Library type: Academic; collection size: medium; ils satisfaction: 8)

Since we are remodeling the library, we did a major inventory and weeding over the past two years. Bywater, via the State Library, were very flexible about designing the inventory reports we needed. (Library type: Public; collection size: small; ils satisfaction: 9)

ByWater has been exceptional. Their customer service is beyond top notch. The Koha ILS has been more than adequate for what we need. I would recommend taking a hard look at them before you renew with your current vendor. (Library type: Public; collection size: medium; ils satisfaction: 9)

We are very happy with Koha, managed by ByWater Solutions. But there is an institution-wide push to consolidate services among all departments. Since our main campus library is much larger, we have been asked to migrate to their ILS. This is not 100% decided yet but the likelihood is strong that it will happen in 2020. (Library type: Medical; collection size: medium; ils satisfaction: 8)

We are pleased with ByWater Solutions supported Koha. (Library type: Public; collection size: small; ils satisfaction: 9)

We have implemented an open source ILS so didn't answer the above. (Library type: Academic; collection size: medium; ils satisfaction: 8)

Koha is not intended to manage our electronic resources, hence the lower score for that. We will need to get a discovery layer if we stay with Koha. Budget is the only thing holding us back on that. ByWater Solutions has done a good job of supporting Koha since they did our migration. (Library type: Academic; collection size: medium; ils satisfaction: 7)

I like that Koha is open source and that our upgrade schedule means we get a slew of bugfixes each year. But overall, I am not enamored of our position. It is quite dated and it shows. Who is writing Perl apps these days? Koha is only just now migrating to Elasticsearch as the search engine, five years too late. The UI looks awful relative to modern websites. There are terrible architectural decisions (e.g. instead of a "deleted" bit for database records, copying them into a separate "deleted_{table name}" table) for which we are still paying the price. We cannot index the catalog in Google because bot crawlers make it too slow. That is not a problem for well-designed search systems. I like ByWater's staff and their organizational vision a lot. But we still have support tickets that languish too long when they should be resolved within a day. All this to say, Koha is the best choice for us right now, it's just an awful choice. It's like MARC records. The fact that MARC records are still used should be hugely embarrassing to our profession. It is unacceptable. But we seem unable, for whatever reasons, to make substantive technological progress in some areas. There are multiple greenfield digital repositories that look great, promising. Library catalogs, not so much. (Library type: Academic; collection size: medium; ils satisfaction: 6)

Koha continues to evolve via the wisdom of the crowd. (Library type: Public; collection size: medium; ils satisfaction: 9)

We have been using Koha since 2008 and have absolutely no desire to change. (Library type: Consortium; collection size: very large; ils satisfaction: 9)

Very happy with our open source Koha system, the [...] consortium, Bywater, and the assistance we receive. (Library type: Public; collection size: small; ils satisfaction: 8)

Migrating to Koha has greatly reduced our annual maintenance costs. The Koha community is very open-minded and collaborative. (Library type: Public; collection size: medium; ils satisfaction: 9)

[..] (Library type: Public; collection size: medium; ils satisfaction: 4)

We currently use Koha, an open source ILS and are very pleased with both it and our vendor, ByWater Solutions. (Library type: Public; collection size: small; ils satisfaction: 8)

[...] (Library type: Consortium; collection size: medium; ils satisfaction: 8)

The migration went well, overall. ByWater is very responsive as a support vendor and we're about to do our first upgrade. So far, I've liked their process for information dissemination about that. The individual people working there are wonderful. The trainers are all fantastic and I've really liked working with them. The data folks are top-notch and we've been really impressed with all the ByWater folks. The migration was not totally seamless - close to the wire, communication got a little dodgy. I think some of it was us learning their culture and some of it was perhaps a difference in expectations. I have some small lingering concerns about the company from those migration bumps. Our project manager was laid off in the middle of our migration, which contributed to the sudden drop off in communication and it seems like they're expanding in new ways. Several months into working with ByWater, I don't think expansion is a problem, but in the midst of a migration when I wasn't sure if we were on track for our go live date, I was much more worried. (Library type: Public; collection size: medium; ils satisfaction: 9)

I took over for the previous librarian in March 2019, and am still getting up to speed on the capabilities of our ILS, Koha. I am not completely clear on how Koha can support access to digital resources; that's something I will be looking into in the new year. (Library type: Corporate; collection size: very large; ils satisfaction: 7)

We are very happy to have made the switch from III Millennium to Koha hosted by ByWater. It allows us to use a more modern system with robust customization and support the growth of open source in the library community, but without requiring us to staff a full programming department. (Library type: Academic; collection size: medium; ils satisfaction: 7)

Overall we are very happy with Bywater Solutions. There have been a few tickets that we had to really hound them to get fixed this year because we weren't getting any updates or fixes and that is unusual compared to other years when we have completed this survey. (Library type: Public; collection size: medium; ils satisfaction: 8)

We just completed our first year working with ByWater Solutions, and we have had nothing but a great experience. Our implementation went incredibly smooth, and as a result of Koha our physical circulation is up 144.77% year over year, and .8% versus the last decade. Our print book circulation is up over 60% year over year as well. These improvements have been due to Koha and our ability to integrate an easy to navigate search box into our new website, so students can actually find books! (Library type: Academic; collection size: medium; ils satisfaction: 9)

I have only been employed as the Head Librarian for less than 6 months. I can't speak to what the decision process had been prior to my employ. (Library type: Academic; collection size: small; ils satisfaction: 9)

KOHA is open source. We are extremely happy with KOHA and their customer support is excellent. (Library type: Academic; collection size: medium; ils satisfaction: 9)

Question #4 is not applicable. We do not use Koha ILS to manage electronic resources because we use Ebsco's EDS. However, I have confidence the Koha product would work. (Library type: Academic; collection size: very small; ils satisfaction: 9)

The library currently has an open source ILS system, which was migrated to last year. It has a number of shortcomings that were not realized during the bidding and testing phase. Some of those have been addressed or overcome since implementation. (Library type: Academic; collection size: medium; ils satisfaction: 5)

ByWater Solutions has provided us with outstanding customer service from migration through every major and minor change we’ve made or even considered. I recommend them without reservation. (Library type: Public; collection size: small; ils satisfaction: 9)

OUR COLLECTION SIZE IS NOW 33595 (Library type: Public; collection size: small; ils satisfaction: 9)

We use Koha administered/supported by ByWater Solutions and we could not be happier. We migrated from TLC in summer 2017. (Library type: School; collection size: small; ils satisfaction: 8)

ByWater Solutions' support and library of educational resources is the primary reason behind our successful transition to Koha and successful on-going implementation. The timeliness of their response to support tickets is exponentially faster than previous support we were used to and has been a breath of fresh air as well as a boost to our confidence in knowing that what we are putting forward has a dedicated team behind it. (Library type: Special; collection size: small; ils satisfaction: 9)

Our support team is friendly, helpful and always follows through. It makes my life easier. (Library type: Public; collection size: medium; ils satisfaction: 9)

ByWater continues to be a wonderful company to work with!! They have provided us with the best customer service out of all the vendors we partner with. They take the intimidation factor out of open source library management tools. (Library type: Medical; collection size: medium; ils satisfaction: 6)

Our ebooks are not linked in our OPAC due to how students authenticate for access through LMS. (Library type: For-profit Educational; collection size: very small; ils satisfaction: 9)

Very pleased with the frequency of updates and information received about them from our library system. Problems that we report are actually worked on and improved. (Library type: Academic; collection size: small; ils satisfaction: 8)

In the past we wrote down "approx 6400 items in the collection" but this was an error. We have approx 6400 biblio records and approx 12500 items. (Library type: Government Agency; collection size: small; ils satisfaction: 8)

Total number of items includes electronic and print resources. (Library type: Academic; collection size: medium; ils satisfaction: 8)

I have only been here 6 months so don't know too much about anything. (Library type: Public; collection size: small; ils satisfaction: 7)

I love our ILS. My biggest issue is the reporting capabilities which require advanced knowledge of SQL. (Library type: Public; collection size: small; ils satisfaction: 7)