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Statistical Report for Horizon

2012 Survey Results 2011 Survey Results 2010 Survey Results 2009 Survey Results 2008 Survey Results 2007 Survey Results
Product: Horizon Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction140 4 4 5 9 11 21 14 44 20 8 75.817
Company Satisfaction140 2 3 6 14 12 17 21 32 25 8 75.806
Support Satisfaction139 1 2 5 2 15 19 16 25 36 18 86.437
Support Improvement137 3 3 4 5 8 55 12 18 16 13 55.665
Company Loyalty139 16 2 10 7 10 18 19 20 19 18 75.336
Open Source Interest136 33 12 21 8 9 17 11 12 6 7 03.383

Considering new ILS145 7148.97%
Considering new Interface145 4128.28%
System Installed on time?145 12888.28%
Average Collection size: 509664
Product: Horizon Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction149 2 4 6 5 11 28 22 44 17 10 75.916
Company Satisfaction149 2 2 9 9 15 12 27 36 29 8 75.946
Support Satisfaction147 3 3 6 12 13 23 29 40 18 86.557
Support Improvement147 1 1 6 3 12 49 17 23 15 20 55.976
Company Loyalty149 10 5 8 5 12 17 21 29 23 19 75.726
Open Source Interest146 31 15 16 11 10 16 14 11 12 10 03.754

Considering new ILS150 8254.67%
Considering new Interface150 4530.00%
System Installed on time?150 13992.67%
Average Collection size: 639134
Product: Horizon Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction179 1 1 9 9 20 24 31 44 27 13 75.996
Company Satisfaction179 4 3 19 15 18 29 22 43 19 7 75.316
Support Satisfaction179 4 4 14 9 23 17 23 45 24 16 75.736
Support Improvement179 10 8 12 10 25 55 17 23 12 7 54.805
Company Loyalty179 21 9 9 11 20 21 24 31 19 14 74.945
Open Source Interest176 31 15 15 8 17 19 16 14 14 27 04.445

Considering new ILS185 10657.30%
Considering new Interface185 6535.14%
System Installed on time?185 16287.57%
Average Collection size: 399582
Product: Horizon Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction190 3 5 6 7 13 24 25 69 31 7 76.077
Company Satisfaction188 4 14 19 21 21 23 25 37 16 8 74.915
Support Satisfaction188 3 5 10 16 14 31 25 39 28 17 75.776
Support Improvement177 6 10 11 9 21 59 25 16 14 6 54.895
Company Loyalty186 26 9 12 9 21 30 16 26 22 15 54.755
Open Source Interest185 27 13 20 20 17 20 18 23 7 20 04.254

Considering new ILS197 9045.69%
Considering new Interface197 4824.37%
System Installed on time?197 15980.71%
Product: Horizon Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction206 3 3 9 18 24 20 41 54 31 3 75.686
Company Satisfaction206 17 10 22 25 31 33 25 27 11 5 54.324
Support Satisfaction206 8 5 16 21 20 20 37 40 31 8 75.356
Support Improvement0 not applicable
Company Loyalty206 25 17 17 17 24 33 21 21 14 17 54.375
Open Source Interest206 21 22 18 14 18 22 15 26 15 35 94.805

Considering new ILS208 12761.06%
Considering new Interface208 5928.37%
System Installed on time?208 18990.87%
Product: Horizon Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction178 1 3 5 4 10 22 48 56 24 5 76.136
Company Satisfaction271 17 14 22 33 46 44 40 33 14 8 44.495
Support Satisfaction270 2 10 14 14 25 32 47 58 50 18 75.896
Support Improvement0 not applicable
Company Loyalty269 28 17 21 21 34 65 29 29 16 9 54.355
Open Source Interest269 35 25 32 27 26 36 24 25 17 22 54.124

Considering new ILS274 13649.64%
Considering new Interface274 6624.09%
System Installed on time?274 10.36%


It's interesting that the ILS procurement process has devolved from choosing functional suitability into avoiding a lawsuit from one's current ILS vendor. It's beyond understanding why a vendor in this small and close-knit library marketplace believes that filing lawsuits against its customers or its employees, as SirsiDynix has done in the recent past, enhances its reputation. (Type: Public)

To be completely accurate, regarding selecting a new ILS, the project will not be active until next year. We have, however, committed to beginning research and RFP development in 2013 (Type: Public)

We don't see a move from Horizon for at least two years. Still unimpressed with alternatives. Won't jump early to intota but we will be watching closely how early implementations evolve. (Type: Academic)

- (Type: Public)

We are currently satisfied with our Horizon installation. However, the system is getting old. We may change if the price is advantageous for us. Many other College level libraries in Québec have moved to Koha. However, the integrator used with this Consortium is charging as much in support fees as we currently pay with Horizon. (Type: Academic)

We are thinking about adding a discovery interface; however, money is very tight at present. (Type: Academic)

Acq never worked in Horizon, so we run III for acquisitions (Type: Academic)

We just have recently upgrade Horizon to 7.51 and HIP 3.21 (Type: Public)

Horizon is old and tired. ..It is so outdated looking, though it works well for staff. The public don't like it as it isn't Google-like. We'd like to upgrade but can't afford to. (Type: Consortium)

We just signed a 5 year annual maintenace agreement with SirsiDynix, so we will be on Horizon for quite awhile and are happy with that. (Type: Public)

Migrating to Polaris in April 2013 (Type: Academic)

Our data is in the cloud. SirsiDynix has never been able to manage this, from day one. Several times each day, we are disconnected, then reconnected. That's a standard problem. In addition, we've had other technical issues. We expect to go live with WMS in June 2013. (Type: Academic)

Part of Consortium, so subject to Consortial decisons on which ILS we migrate to next. (Type: Public)

We will probably look at migrating to a new ILS in 2015 (Type: Public)

SirsiDynix is keen to move Horizon customers onto Symphony and while there are some upgrades to Horizon it is fair to say the energy of the company is directed on Symphony. While knowledging that Horizon is not keeping up with trends, we are not convinced that Symphony is a better product han Horizon and would be keen to investigate a range of options before deciding to move to a new system. (Type: Public)

planning to upgrade from Horizon version 7.3 to the latest version in q1 2013 (Type: Public)

- (Type: Public)

Currently implementing Polaris. (Type: State)

we looked at discovery interfaces, none available that work with 2 ILS, which is needed for our consortium (Type: Public)

Until recently we were planning on purchasing a new LMS to replace Horizon. However, I have been told by SD that they are going to continue to support and develop for Horizon into the future. So we are now going to focus our efforts on enhancing Horizon with additional modules and on purchasing a spiffy new discovery layer. We feel there is more value to be had from investing in a new discovery layer over replacing the whole LMS. (That said, if Polaris were to enter the Australian market then we would have to reconsider the whole thing...) (Type: Public)

Sirsi would receive higher marks if they were moving forward with the Horizon platform. (Type: Public)

We are ASP/SASS, so it is difficult to make customizations. ILS is geared more toward public libraries and has major features we do not need. (Type: Special)

Horizon is quite sturdy and reliable, it hardly fails and it works fine. It just doesn't do what we want it to do now and isn't being developed further. We're at the very early stages of looking for a new system and probably will be for at least two years plus. (Type: Public)

We're currently looking at for a new ILS and expect to have a board-approved selection in April 2013. (Type: Public)

very customer oriented service staff, state of the art library, a jewl in the forest. (Type: Public)

Our ILS vendor is not the maker, is a local company. It was a long learning curve for them, during which they learned from clients mostly, as usual. But they have been able to integrate some additional functionalities and customization features that do not come with the standard product. We feel that the maker (sirsiDynix) puts some resistance to change standard versions, and the evolution of versions is too slow. (Type: National)

Though we are keeping a whatch on developments in the ILS market, we are not likely to change ILS, apart from upgrades, within the next five years. (Type: Academic)

Moving to Horizon SaaS in 2013. (Type: Public)

The changing trends of technology and future of the public libraries makes it difficult to make a decision for ILS selection. (Type: Public)

While we did not change ILS this year, we did go to SaaS from SirsiDynix, which meant migrating all our data to remote servers and we now operate solely in a cloud configuration. The migration was very easy and so far living in the cloud has been OK. It does make you realize how vulnerable your network is, however. (Type: Public)

Technically we are still Horizon - will migrate on [...] Polaris is great to work with - trying to accommodate our number of libraries and all that goes with migrating. (Type: Consortium)

End of life issues are becoming pressing with Horizon. Symphony would be better but not what we really want. The money challenges of implementing a system from another vendor might be insurmountable. (Type: Public)

We will be going live with the Innovative product in the middle of January 2013. (Type: Consortium)

This response is from a consortium office representing 18 libraries/institutions and multiple branches. (Type: Consortium)

We're only vaguely considering a discovery layer. Some of us are quite keen on the prospect and some of us are quite luke-warm at best. Cost and functionality (or lack thereof) are our main issues. (Type: Academic)

The current system was installed so long a go now that answering the question about whether it was done to contract is difficult. Perjpas a (Type: Academic)

We're interested in apis and similar technology that makes it easier to pull different vendor information into our catalog. For example, use OverDrive api to pull info into our catalog so patron's don't need OverDrive site at all. We're also interested in open source archive software. (Type: Public)

We migrate to Polaris in April. (Type: Public)

question about number of items in collection... Physical items on site or including electronic items. The foundation is shifting... (Type: Public)