Library Technology Guides

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Statistical Report for EOS.Web

2012 Survey Results 2011 Survey Results 2010 Survey Results 2009 Survey Results 2008 Survey Results 2007 Survey Results
Product: EOS.Web Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction37 1 3 6 15 8 4 76.957
Company Satisfaction37 3 1 7 3 15 8 87.198
Support Satisfaction37 2 7 10 18 97.978
Support Improvement35 2 13 2 4 7 7 56.637
Company Loyalty37 2 1 2 2 1 7 8 14 97.148
Open Source Interest36 19 2 4 2 4 1 3 1 01.780

Considering new ILS37 513.51%
Considering new Interface37 38.11%
System Installed on time?37 3491.89%
Average Collection size: 65360
Product: EOS.Web Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction20 1 4 10 5 87.958
Company Satisfaction20 2 13 5 88.158
Support Satisfaction20 3 7 10 98.359
Support Improvement20 6 3 5 2 4 56.757
Company Loyalty20 1 1 6 12 98.359
Open Source Interest20 11 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 01.650

Considering new ILS20 15.00%
Considering new Interface20 00.00%
System Installed on time?20 1995.00%
Average Collection size: 34479
Product: EOS.Web Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction8 1 1 1 4 1 86.888
Company Satisfaction8 1 1 1 4 1 86.758
Support Satisfaction8 1 1 5 1 86.888
Support Improvement8 1 2 1 1 2 1 56.137
Company Loyalty8 1 1 1 3 2 86.638
Open Source Interest8 2 2 2 1 1 02.502

Considering new ILS8 00.00%
Considering new Interface8 00.00%
System Installed on time?8 787.50%
Average Collection size: 45095
Product: EOS.Web Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction4 1 1 2 75.007
Company Satisfaction4 1 2 1 75.507
Support Satisfaction4 1 1 2 85.758
Support Improvement4 1 1 1 1 04.255
Company Loyalty4 2 1 1 56.758
Open Source Interest4 2 1 1 24.254

Considering new ILS4 125.00%
Considering new Interface4 00.00%
System Installed on time?4 4100.00%
Product: EOS.Web Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction6 1 2 2 1 77.508
Company Satisfaction6 1 2 2 1 77.508
Support Satisfaction6 1 1 2 2 87.838
Support Improvement0 not applicable
Company Loyalty6 1 1 1 1 1 1 36.337
Open Source Interest6 1 2 2 1 23.003

Considering new ILS6 116.67%
Considering new Interface6 00.00%
System Installed on time?6 583.33%
Product: EOS.Web Response Distribution Statistics
CategoryResponses 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModeMeanMedian
ILS Satisfaction2 1 1 24.507
Company Satisfaction3 1 1 1 26.007
Support Satisfaction3 1 1 1 26.007
Support Improvement0 not applicable
Company Loyalty3 1 1 1 26.007
Open Source Interest3 2 1 01.670

Considering new ILS3 00.00%
Considering new Interface3 00.00%
System Installed on time?3 133.33%


We moved from SIRSIDYNIX Symphony to EOS in July 2012 (Type: Academic)

Eos becomes unhelpful and sluggish in assisting with the remainder of migration process once they load your data onto their server and have your money. They need to be reminded repeatedly that they agreed to make fixes to data over the course of days and weeks, and will just "happen to be thinking of doing work on your data" at the exact time you call them. (Type: Medical)

It's important to us, as a public library, that vendors respect the laws concerning privacy and confidentiality of records (which is not the same as a school library, where teachers may act in loco parentis). We also have a patron base that is older and not particularly skilled with computers and ebooks. (Type: Public)

EOS Customer support is unparalleled. It's Community Forum allows users to contact/respond to each other on system questions and problems - with support staff also involved. (Type: Special)

EOS is great, but I had it installed at the beginning of the school year so I have a bunch of things I still need to learn. The customer service and help desk is superb. (Type: School)

We considered Open Source when deciding to go with EOS this year. We dismissed it because of the amount of support we would need from our IT department. The cost outweighed the perceived benefit of a "free" system. (Type: Academic)

Training could DEFINITELY be improved. Also navigating Help is maddening. Also, things that are supposed to work should. (Type: Medical)

Due to two downsizing/lay-off events within the [...] and the fact that the [...] IT group provides no library-related support, it is incumbant upon the two library staff members to do everything in the most efficient method possible. Open source does not, at this point, lend itself to our situation and, I imagine, any special library at this time. (Type: Special)

We have a Discover Service from Ebsco, but I did not interface it with EOS. (Type: Medical)

Although there are some functionalities lacking for us with this ILS, we have not found a product in our market that rates better overall on that criteria than EOS. The variety of help and support from this company is a huge plus for us. (Type: Law)

Very satisfied with EOS and its Federated Search Tool. (Type: Government Agency)