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May 1, 2024

collectionHQ collectionHQ announces pioneering enhancement to transform collection management. collectionHQ, the leading data analytics solution for libraries, announced a new feature that will provide a clear, evidence-based recommendation for every item in a library's collection to optimize collection management. collectionHQ analyzes data from the library management system to deliver a comprehensive set of action plans that support all aspects of collection management - including deselection, identifying outdated material, moving items to new library locations, and improving the inclusivity of the collection. For the first time, data from all of these action plans will be collated to display a recommended action for each book in the library's collection with a clear reason for the recommendation - such as whether the item is outdated, DEI, a core item, overused, dead or in an understocked/overstocked collection. With valuable input and consultation from collectionHQ's esteemed customers and in-house team of librarians, this change will transform the collection management process for library staff who can now scan any item from the shelf and automatically learn what to do with it. [Full Announcement].

September 21, 2023

collectionHQ New to collectionHQ and cHQlite. The latest updates to collectionHQ and cHQlite include Introduction of “Core Items” to avoid the removal of key material during weeding processes, Enhancements to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Analysis, and a new level of insight is now accessible from summary reports [Full Announcement].

February 17, 2023

collectionHQ Drake Community Library selects collectionHQ. We are delighted to announce that Drake Community Library has subscribed to collectionHQ, the world leading collection management system, The team at collectionHQ is focused on helping the library to optimize circulation of materials by implementing the evidence-based toolset that will save time, maximize funds, and accelerate collection improvements. As a collectionHQ subscriber they also get access to our comprehensive DEI Analysis tool, allowing Drake Community Library to analyze their collection and compare it against industry standard DEI topics to ensure a more inclusive and diverse collection that reflects their community. [Full Announcement].

February 16, 2023

collectionHQ Welcome, Richmond Public Library. The Richmond Public Library has subscribed to collectionHQ, the world leading collection management system. [Full Announcement].

February 15, 2023

collectionHQ Welcome, Rocky River Public Library. Rocky River Public Library has subscribed to collectionHQ, the world-leading collection management system. [Full Announcement].

February 8, 2023

collectionHQ Welcome, Thomas Ford Memorial Library. The Thomas Ford Memorial Library has subscribed to collectionHQ. [Full Announcement].

February 2, 2023

collectionHQ Welcome, Hamilton Public Library. Hamilton Public Library has subscribed to collectionHQ, the world leading collection management system, [Full Announcement].

February 1, 2023

collectionHQ Welcome, Queens Public Library. Queens Public Library has subscribed to collectionHQ. [Full Announcement].

January 17, 2023

collectionHQ Welcome, Elk Grove Village Public Library. Elk Grove Village Library has subscribed to collectionHQ. [Full Announcement].

November 12, 2021

collectionHQ Welcome, Algonquin Area Public Library District. collectionHQ announced that the Algonquin Area Public Library District has subscribed to its world leading data analytics product. [Full Announcement].

September 3, 2014

Civica Civica releases collectionHQ interface update with new features for superior analysis. Civica announced the latest version of the collectionHQ interface which further enables libraries to manage and evaluate their collections. The new features include new fields for 65X subject areas for more in-depth analysis of your subject areas, series information that conform to the new RDA practices, Edition, Publication Dates, Added author, and Corporate author, as well as holds/reservations data to activate collectionHQ's Holds Reporting Tools. The update also allows for the auto upload of data from Spydus to collectionHQ. [Full Announcement].

August 18, 2014

collectionHQ collectionHQ's new user interface goes live. collectionHQ collection performance improvement solution that helps libraries better manage their collections, announced the release of its latest version, v4.0. [Full Announcement].

February 27, 2014

Axiell Axiell and collectionHQ launches media management into scandinavian market. Axiell have selected library solutions provider collectionHQ as its partner. collectionHQ is the powerful collection performance improvement solution that helps libraries maximise stock management and development. With company headquarters in Glasgow, Scotland, collectionHQ originally launched into the United Kingdom and Ireland where the solution is now used in over 50% of public libraries. The company is now introducing the product to the Scandinavian market for the first time with Axiell as its partner. [Full Announcement].

April 25, 2013

Baker and Taylor collectionHQ expands collection development tools to eBook titles. collectionHQ, the leading collection performance improvement solution that helps libraries better manage their collections, today announced that many of its popular, evidence-based tools available for print and A/V titles are now available for ebooks as well. The addition of these tools, called the ebook module, means that for the first time, librarians can easily access data that compare ebook and print holdings. The ebook capabilities are included in the cost of a collectionHQ subscription. [Full Announcement].

January 23, 2013

Baker and Taylor Worldwide collectionHQ Branch Library Subscriptions Surpass 7,200. collectionHQ, the collection performance improvement solution that helps libraries better manage their collections, announced it has secured 106 subscriptions from public library systems since January 2012. That means collectionHQ now manages over 200 million items and 800 million circulations in more than 7,200 library branches worldwide. [Full Announcement].