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September 21, 2023
Cardiff University chooses Figshare as integral part of research data management strategy. Digital Science, a technology company serving stakeholders across the research ecosystem, is pleased to announce that Cardiff University has chosen Figshare from Digital Science's flagship products to enhance its researcher support services, as it continues its work as a leading research institution. [Full Announcement].
January 24, 2023
Leeds Beckett University launches Figshare-powered repository. Leeds Beckett University, in partnership with Figshare, announces the launch of a new institutional repository. The new Thesis and Research Data Repository is supported on a custom domain, ensuring long-term sustainability of the repository. The repository will support the storing and sharing of theses and research data, providing a single place for researchers to make their data citable and discoverable. [Full Announcement].
November 16, 2022
Figshare integration is rolled out across further titles in the Nature portfolio, extending Springer Nature's commitment to open science. In a further move to support open research, more journals in the Nature Portfolio – including Nature itself – will now provide authors with the opportunity to openly share their data, thanks to an integration with Figshare. Following the success of the pilot, this streamlined integration is now being extended. Authors submitting to the Nature Portfolio journals, including Nature, in the fields of life, health, chemical and physical sciences will now be able to easily opt into data sharing, via Figshare, as part of one integrated submission process. [Full Announcement].
August 28, 2019
National Institutes of Health. NIH-funded Researchers Invited to Use NIH Figshare. As part of the NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science, the NIH is committed to making datasets resulting from NIH investigator publications more accessible. Researchers sometimes find themselves with a requirement to share data, but cannot identify a specific repository to use. This situation often occurs when researchers have research datasets underlying publication figures and tables, or data not associated with a publication, they would like to share. The NIH Figshare pilot helps address this issue by providing a generalist repository option for these data. [Full Announcement].