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October 3, 2023
Yale University selects Clarivate to provide their next library services and discovery platforms. Clarivate announced that Yale University has selected Clarivate to provide its library services and discovery platforms. Ex Libris Alma and Ex Libris Primo VE, both part of Clarivate, will provide Yale with a solution that integrates AI (artificial intelligence) and Linked Data to simplify the process for students, researchers and faculty. Yale will implement Ex Libris Alma and Ex Libris Primo VE to unify Yale's main and law libraries' workflows and data, including electronic and digital materials, onto a single platform. Combining the benefits of using AI with trusted content sources will enable users to find new insights, fast and at scale. The cloud-based platform will help Yale elevate the user experience and enhance services within the library ecosystem. [Full Announcement].
October 2, 2023
Yale Library selects new library service platform, Ex Libris Alma, part of Clarivate. Although most library users will not notice any difference, a major change is coming to the complex back-end system that Yale Library uses to handle everything from purchasing, cataloguing, and checking out books to managing thousands of databases and licensed electronic resources. Between now and summer 2025, the library will replace Voyager—its 22-year-old catalog and back-end inventory system—with the cloud-based Ex Libris Alma and Ex Libris Primo, both part of Clarivate. [Full Announcement].
June 18, 2013
Yale University chooses Summon Discovery Service. Yale University selected the Summon discovery service from Serials Solutions®, a ProQuest® business, to improve access to its distinctive collection, including 15 million volumes and information in all media. Yale University Library, the most recent of six Ivy League schools to adopt the Summon service, determined ease of customization, integrity of search results, a unified index architecture and the company's track record for rapid innovation of new discovery features were essential in choosing to work with Serials Solutions. [Full Announcement].
August 19, 2011
Yale Law School's library live with Encore Synergy 4.1. Lillian Goldman Law Library at Yale Law School is live with Encore Synergy 4.1, which offers expanded article access, advanced search, and a new Cobalt look and feel option inspired by usability testing and user feedback. Among other sources, the Library is integrating articles from LegalTrac, JSTOR, and HeinOnline. [Full Announcement].
May 10, 2011
Digital Images of Yale's Vast Cultural Collections Now Available for Free. Scholars, artists and other individuals around the world will enjoy free access to online images of millions of objects housed in Yale's museums, archives, and libraries thanks to a new "Open Access" policy that the University announced today. Yale is the first Ivy League university to make its collections accessible in this fashion, and already more than 250,000 images are available through a newly developed collective catalog. The goal of the new policy is to make high quality digital images of Yale's vast cultural heritage collections in the public domain openly and freely available. [Full Announcement].
May 3, 2010
Atlas Systems exceeds goals with Ares and Aeon. Atlas Systems, the leading provider of time-saving solutions for libraries, announced that sales of the Aeon software for managing special collections and the Ares electronic reserves solution have surpassed expectations for the first quarter of 2010. New sales for Aeon include Harvard College Library at Harvard University, Yale University—Sterling Library Manuscripts and Archives, and the American Philosophical Society. Organizations that have purchased Ares include Simmons College, Regis University, Fayetteville State University, and SUNY Oswego. [Full Announcement].
October 24, 2007
Encore launches at twelve public and academic libraries, selected by seventy. Innovative announced the launch of its Encore discovery services platform at a dozen public and academic libraries around the world. In addition, the company announced that 70 libraries have selected the next-generation product. The deployment of Encore brings a full-featured discovery tool to users—uniting library collections, licensed-resource content, and the discovery process. To date, Encore has been selected by more libraries combined than any other next-generation library interface to both print and e-resources. Libraries are using Encore as a discovery platform compatible with leading ILS systems including Innovative's Millennium, Ex Libris Voyager, and Ex Libris Aleph, as well as deploying Encore with Innovative's federated search product, Research Pro, and other leading federated search tools. [Full Announcement].
October 25, 2006
Thirteen Libraries join Innovative for Encore development. Innovative announced that thirteen leading academic and public libraries have entered into agreements to be partners in the company's Encore development initiative. The collaborating institutions are Binghamton University, Deakin University, Deschutes Public Library, Georgetown University, Michigan State University, Nashville Public Library, Scottsdale Public Library System, Springfield-Greene County Library, the Tri-College Library Consortium, University of Glasgow, the University of Queensland Library, Westerville Public Library, and Yale University's Lillian Goldman Law Library. The Encore discovery services platform transforms the user experience of the library with expanded search functionality, community features, and a rich presentation that includes federated-search results and contextual resource suggestions. Encore is scheduled for release in mid-2007. [Full Announcement].
July 15, 2006
MPS Technologies and Ex Libris perform SUSHI usage data transfer for Yale University Library. MPS Technologies and the Ex Libris Group announce a successful transfer of Yale University usage data between their systems using the automated SUSHI protocol. This test has been made in preparation for future integration of ScholarlyStats usage data into Verde, the Ex Libris ERM system. This will provide Verde libraries with access to a suite of integrated reports combining usage data with other subscription, holdings, and pricing information. [Full Announcement].
June 16, 2006
Yale University Law Library Implements Catalog-Driven RSS Feeds. Lillian Goldman Library at Yale University has implemented Innovative''s Feed Builder product to publish RSS feeds directly from its Millennium integrated library technology platform. The feeds, announcing daily additions to the Millennium catalog, will turn the Library into a publisher of the most-recent content they provide to their communities. Feed Builder is an optional product available with WebPAC Pro, which goes into general release in mid-2006. [Full Announcement].
July 08, 2004
Yale University's Lillian Goldman Law Library installs Electronic Resource Management. Innovative Interfaces announced that Yale University Law Library has installed Electronic Resource Management. Electronic Resource Management provides all of the tools a library needs to collect and manage the licensing and administrative details of its e-subscriptions while improving patron and staff access to this information. [Full Announcement].
June 15, 2001
Endeavor Information Systems, Inc.. Yale University Selects Voyager System. Endeavor Information Systems and the Yale University Library announced today the selection of the Voyager integrated library management system for the Yale libraries. With complete implementation scheduled for July 2002, the Voyager selection affects over 600 staff and 10.5 million volumes across the New Haven, CT campus. [Full Announcement].