Library Technology Guides

Current News Service and Archive

February 3, 2023

Patron Point Tuscaloosa Public Library (AL) implements Patron Point. Patron Point announced that Tuscaloosa Public Library in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, has chosen our patron engagement platform to support its vision of building a thriving community built on shared strengths where the library will always be a highly valued community asset. [Full Announcement].

August 7, 2021

Innovative Interfaces, Inc. Tuscaloosa Public Library Launches Vega Discover. Innovative, a ProQuest company and leading global provider of library software, announced that Tuscaloosa Public Library has launched Vega Discover as their primary discovery tool. [Full Announcement].

November 10, 2010

Innovative Interfaces, Inc. Sixteen libraries move to Encore Synergy in month of October. Innovative Interfaces announced that its Encore Services team moved sixteen libraries from Encore Discovery to Encore Synergy in the month of October 2010. These libraries now provide deep article integration that brings real-time, full-text articles into Encore Synergy's single-search discovery environment. With Encore Synergy, users discover live, full-text articles and abstract previews in every results set, along with library materials such as books/ebooks, digital collections, programs, and more. [Full Announcement].