found 3 items where the library is National Library of Sweden. Showing page 1 of 1. |
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February 15, 2024
The National Library of Sweden makes strategic decision to implement a new Library Service Platform. The National Library of Sweden will implement two free and open library software solutions: the Library Service Platform FOLIO and discovery solution VuFind, both open-source software. FOLIO is an open platform used by libraries around the world. Its modular approach and modern architecture gives ample support for integration and the flexibility needed to manage workflows at the National Library of Sweden. VuFind is an established product with good functionality, providing adaptability and integration support. The National Library of Sweden will soon be tendering support, development and implementation services for these two systems. The new software is expected to support current and future needs at The National Library of Sweden, and additionally meet rapidly increasing expectation from both staff and end users on improved workflows, modern and adaptable interfaces, simple system administration and modernised metadata management. Implementation of the new system will take place in 2025. [Full Announcement].
May 2, 2014
Seven years of negotiations finished – KB /LIBRIS-libraries join WorldCat – Important success for the principle of Creative Commons. After seven years of negotiation, the National Library of Sweden has signed an agreement to join WorldCat, one of the world’s largest library catalogs, operated by OCLC. During the entire negotiation period KB maintained that data in LIBRIS should be freely available under the Creative Commons open license (CC0) and in February 2014 OCLC and KB finally signed an agreement regarding open licensing. The important agreement on open licensing will enable KB and the affiliated LIBRIS libraries to become members of WorldCat. [Full Announcement].
December 23, 2011
The National Library of Sweden and WorldCat. OCLC is in discussions with the National Library of Sweden about the Library's recent post to its website. We believe that the National Library and the Libris union catalog it supports can be made visible in WorldCat in a way that meets the library's expectations and is consistent with the norms of the OCLC cooperative. We were disappointed that they chose to end the talks. [Full Announcement].