Library Technology Guides

Current News Service and Archive

September 21, 2021

Ex Libris Japan's National Institute of Informatics Library goes live with Ex Libris Alma library services and Primo Discovery to improve efficiency in accessing academic resources with a centralized system. Ex Libris, a ProQuest company, announced that the Ex Libris Alma library services platform and the Ex Libris Primo discovery solution have gone live at the National Institute of Informatics, in Japan. The Alma platform will support the NII, which is dedicated to the creation of future value in the new field of informatics. [Full Announcement].

June 17, 2021

Ex Libris Japan's National Institute of Informatics paves the way for Japanese libraries of the future with Ex Libris Alma services. Ex Libris, a ProQuest company, announced that the Ex Libris Almaź library services platform has been selected by the National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Japan, an interuniversity institute that promotes research in information-related areas. The decision was based on strategies defined in the 2019 Vision on Future Scholarly Information Systems, prepared by Japan's Future Scholarly Information Systems Committee under the auspices of the Council for Promoting Collaboration between University Libraries and the National Institute of Informatics. [Full Announcement].