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December 19, 2016
Harvard Library entscheidet sich für Ex Libris Alma. Ex Libris gibt bekannt, dass sich die Harvard Library als Teil ihrer Strategie zur Förderung von Forschung, Lehre und Lernen für den Bibliotheksmanagementdienst Ex Libris Alma entschieden hat. Die Harvard University hat sich als zweite Ivy-League-Hochschule und 33. Mitglied der Association of Research Libraries für die Alma-Lösung entschieden. Die größte wissenschaftliche Bibliothek der Welt, die Harvard Library, ist ein wichtiger Partner für die intellektuellen und akademischen Bestrebungen von Lehrenden und Studierenden. [Full Announcement].
December 14, 2016
Harvard Library selects the Ex Libris Alma next-generation library platform. Ex Libris announced that Harvard Library has chosen the Ex Libris Alma library management service as part of the Library’s strategy to support research, teaching, and learning. Harvard University is the second Ivy League school and the 33rd member of the Association of Research Libraries to opt for the Alma solution. The largest academic library in the world, Harvard Library is a key partner for scholars and students in their intellectual and academic endeavors. [Full Announcement].
Harvard Selecciona la Plataforma de Bibliotecas de la Próxima Generación Alma de Ex Libris. Ex Libris anunció que Harvard ha elegido el servicio de gestión de bibliotecas Alma de Ex Libris como parte de la estrategia de la Biblioteca para apoyar la investigación, la enseńanza y el aprendizaje. La Universidad de Harvard es la segunda escuela de la Ivy League y la 33Ş de la Asociación de Bibliotecas de Investigación (ARL) que ha seleccionado la solución Alma. La Biblioteca de Harvard, es un socio clave para profesores, investigadores y estudiantes para sus actividades académicas e intelectuales. [Full Announcement].
April 25, 2016
Stanford Libraries leads collaborative grant. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded Stanford a $1.5 million grant to support library initiatives that develop and advance the use of linked open data. Stanford Libraries will coordinate a team representing Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, Library of Congress and Princeton to upgrade the current infrastructure libraries use to create, store, and share bibliographic data. [Full Announcement].
January 6, 2015
Priority Update: Enhanced Discovery and Delivery Systems. The first half of the fiscal year brought intense focus on and completion of the Library-wide goal of enabling more effective access to knowledge and data through intuitive discovery via two projects: HOLLIS+ implementation and LibraryCloud. HOLLIS+ is now fully operational as the default search and discovery platform for library resources. Following a beta launch in the summer, additional content from print and digital collections was integrated into the platform throughout the fall. Now, HOLLIS+ users can discover books, articles, images, manuscripts, data, sound recordings and much more in a single search, creating a scholarly alternative that mirrors the function of common general-interest search engines. [Full Announcement].
April 16, 2014
Harvard Library unifies discovery of its resources with Ex Libris Primo. Ex Libris announced that the Harvard Library has decided to offer the Ex Libris Primo discovery and delivery system as a single search interface for Harvard University’s vast local and electronic collections. The Library is adding Primo to a suite of Ex Libris solutions consisting of the Aleph integrated library system, Primo Central Index of scholarly resources, SFX OpenURL link resolver, MetaLib gateway and metasearch solution, and bX article recommender. [Full Announcement].
Harvard Unifica el Descubrimiento de sus Recursos por medio de Primo de Ex Libris. Ex Libris se complace en anunció que la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Harvard ha decidido contratar el Sistema de Descubrimiento Primo como la única interfaz de búsqueda para sus vastas colecciones locales y electrónicas. La Biblioteca de la Universidad de Harvard está ańadiendo Primo al conjunto de soluciones de Ex Libris que ya utiliza actualmente, consistentes en el sistema integral de bibliotecas Aleph, el Índice Primo Central de recursos académicos, el enlazador OpenURL SFX, la solución de metabúsqueda MetaLib, y el recomendador de artículos bX. [Full Announcement].
April 22, 2012
Millions of Harvard Library catalog records publicly available. The Harvard Library announced it is making more than 12 million catalog records from Harvard’s 73 libraries publicly available. The records contain bibliographic information about books, videos, audio recordings, images, manuscripts, maps, and more. The Harvard Library is making these records available in accordance with its Open Metadata Policy and under a Creative Commons 0 (CC0) public domain license. In addition, the Harvard Library announced its open distribution of metadata from its Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard (DASH) scholarly article repository under a similar CC0 license. [Full Announcement].
May 3, 2010
Atlas Systems exceeds goals with Ares and Aeon. Atlas Systems, the leading provider of time-saving solutions for libraries, announced that sales of the Aeon software for managing special collections and the Ares electronic reserves solution have surpassed expectations for the first quarter of 2010. New sales for Aeon include Harvard College Library at Harvard University, Yale University—Sterling Library Manuscripts and Archives, and the American Philosophical Society. Organizations that have purchased Ares include Simmons College, Regis University, Fayetteville State University, and SUNY Oswego. [Full Announcement].
March 9, 2009
Medialab Solutions. AquaBrowser Library chosen by Harvard University. AquaBrowser Library has been chosen by the Harvard University Library, the largest academic library worldwide, as its search and discovery platform. The AquaBrowser implementation will include faceted navigation, word cloud discovery, relevancy ranking, an integrated Authority File, real-time availability information for items, and integration with the ILS for patron services such as placing holds, making requests, viewing checkouts, and renewing items. [Full Announcement].
July 25, 2002
This was the week that was: Ex Libris delivers ALEPH across the globe. Ex Libris announced that six libraries in different parts of the world recently went live with the ALEPH 500 system within an eight-day period: Australia`s Curtin University; Lancaster University, in the United Kingdom; and the University of Delaware, the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, the State University of New York (SUNY) Cortland, and Harvard University, in the United States. [Full Announcement].
May 14, 2001
Harvard University Library and key publishers join forces for electronic journal archive. The Harvard University Library and three major publishers of scholarly journals - Blackwell Publishing, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., and the University of Chicago Press - have agreed to work together on a plan to develop an experimental archive for electronic journals. The preservation and the archiving of electronic journals - which are increasingly “born digital” and for which, in many cases, no paper copies exist - present unique, long-term challenges to librarians, publishers, and, ultimately, to the scholars and researchers who will seek to access to them over time. [Full Announcement].
November 15, 2000
Harvard University Library, the largest academic library in the world, signs contract for ALEPH 500 !. The Harvard University Library has reached agreement with Ex Libris for the purchase and installation of Aleph 500 in the Harvard University libraries. Harvard University Library is the oldest library in the United States and the largest academic library in the world. The collections, housed in more than 90 libraries, contain nearly 13 million volumes as well as manuscripts, microforms, maps, photographs, databases, and other materials. [Full Announcement].
October 12, 2000
Data Research Associates, Inc.. DRA confirms discontinuation of contract negotiations with Harvard. Data Research Associates, Inc. confirmed that Harvard University is no longer negotiating a contract to install DRA''s Taos system as the basis for HOLLIS II, Harvard''s next-generation library automation project. DRA President and CEO Michael J. Mellinger noted that the Taos system is currently being actively implemented at both new and existing customer sites. [Full Announcement].
June 12, 2000
SFX beta testing underway. SFX, the context-sensitive reference linking solution, originating in research work by Herbert Van de Sompel at Ghent University in Belgium, and now owned by Ex Libris, enters a new phase as beta testing gets underway in some key US libraries. SFX Beta Test sites include: Los Alamos National Laboratory; Harvard University Library; California Institute of Technology; Vanderbilt University; and Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis. [Full Announcement].
June 23, 1997
Libraries use OCLC SiteSearch to manage electronic resources. The Harvard University Library System, the National Agricultural Library and two State University of New York libraries have recently chosen the OCLC SiteSearch software to integrate access to local and remote information resources and to build unique local information resources. [Full Announcement].