Library Technology Guides

Current News Service and Archive

May 9, 2022

Atlas Systems, Inc. Brown University Libraries subscribes to Atlas Concierge Service for Aeon. Atlas Systems announced that the John Hay and John Carter Brown Libraries are the latest subscribers of Concierge Services for Aeon. The two libraries located on the campus of Brown University in Providence, RI join nearly 15 institutions that currently subscribe for Concierge consultative support for Aeon. [Full Announcement].

September 10, 2019

Equinox Equinox migrates John Brown University Library to Koha. Equinox announced the successful migration of John Brown University Library to Koha, the first open source Integrated Library System to be used worldwide . [Full Announcement].

August 18, 2011

ProQuest Brown University adopts Serials Solutions Summon Discovery Service. Serials Solutions announced that Brown University Library has chosen to adopt the Summon web-scale discovery service to improve the discoverability and usability of library electronic resources for its students, faculty and staff. The Summon service enables Brown University’s researchers to receive the most relevant information from the full breadth of content found in the library’s licensed collections, and ensures that these invaluable resources are more easily found and used. [Full Announcement].

June 13, 2002

epixtech, inc.. Four new ARL Libraries join Borrow Direct Partnership Using URSA from epixtech. This fall, students and faculty at Brown University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, and Princeton University will be able to initiate their own interlibrary loans with expanded access to seven Academic Research library collections. Thanks to epixtech''s Universal Resource Sharing System, these libraries have joined with Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania, and Yale University as part of the Borrow Direct partnership established in 1999. Borrow Direct now consists of seven ARL libraries serving thousands of students, faculty, and staff at these institutions. [Full Announcement].

June 16, 2001

Ex Libris Ex Libris Inc. announces multiple SFX sales. Ex Libris announced that they have signed up and are in the midst of implementing a long list of new SFX customers. SFX is a unique and revolutionary tool for navigation and discovery, delivering powerful linking services in the scholarly information environment. With SFX, these libraries can define rules that allow SFX to dynamically create links that fully integrate their information resources regardless of who hosts them – the library itself or external information providers. The user is presented with context-sensitive links that are dynamically configured on the basis of the institution''s e-collections. [Full Announcement].

December 4, 2000

Innovative Interfaces, Inc. Brown University joins large community of ARLs on Millennium System. Innovative Interfaces will install its Millennium library automation system at Brown University, a member of the Association of Research Libraries. [Full Announcement].