Library Technology Guides

Current News Service and Archive

June 10, 2024

OCLC Big Ten Academic Alliance libraries are now live with OCLC Resource Sharing for Groups. Big Ten Academic Alliance libraries are now live using the new OCLC Resource Sharing for Groups, the state-of-the-art solution that reimagines resource sharing for library groups and consortia. OCLC Resource Sharing for Groups is a modern consortial borrowing solution that expedites delivery of digital and print items to library users. Participating libraries have all the tools needed to easily lend and borrow resources from group members. If a request can't be filled within the group, it seamlessly scales out to regional partners and to OCLC's global resource sharing network of more than 10,000 libraries, without any staff intervention. The solution also builds on smart fulfillment functionality for fast, predictable delivery based on local policies, group profiles, available resources, library relationships, and user needs—with first-supplier fill rates at 90-95 percent. [Full Announcement].

December 7, 2022

SAGE AM and Big Ten Academic Alliance partnership provides researchers with access to millions of pages of primary source content. AM, a SAGE company, has announced a major new agreement with premier library consortium, the Big Ten Academic Alliance. Students, researchers and scholars at 15 of the leading research institutions in the United States will now have unified access to millions of pages of essential primary source content from the entire AM core collections portfolio. Working closely with BTAA and the framework of their strategic Big Collection initiative, AM has rolled out its Impact purchase model across the entire group. The ability to draw on this breadth of content in a united way across the BTAA membership will create opportunities for inter-institution research and collaborative projects at an unprecedented scale, whilst at the same time allowing individual members to focus on their own local academic strengths and specialisms. [Full Announcement].