Library Technology Guides

Current News Service and Archive

October 1, 2020

EBSCO Information Services FOLIO beta partner The Five Colleges Consortium adopts FOLIO ERM on its way to implementing FOLIO. The Five Colleges Consortium, as part of its FOLIO beta partnership with EBSCO Information Services, has become the first consortium to implement FOLIO Electronic Resources Management. This is the first step in a full FOLIO implementation in 2021. The consortium includes Amherst College, Hampshire College, Mount Holyoke College, Smith College and the University of Massachusetts Amherst. [Full Announcement].

August 31, 2006

Ex Libris DigiTool racks up North American sales. The Ex Libris Group today announced a number of recent North American sales of DigiTool, Ex Libris digital asset management system. Amherst College, the Florida Center for Library Automation, the University of South Florida, and The Library of Virginia have all selected DigiTool to provide their next generation digital asset management system. [Full Announcement].

January 06, 2005

Ex Libris Five Colleges, Incorporated, Selects ALEPH 500, Verde Electronic Resource Management. Ex Libris announced that Five Colleges, Incorporated, has selected ALEPH 500 to replace its existing Innovative Interfaces Inc. library management system. [Full Announcement].

March 1, 1984

OCLC LS/2000: questions and answers. LS/2000 is an integrated library system that provides bibliographic file maintenance, authority control, circulation control, a sophisticated online public access catalog, and other automated services for both library staff and patrons. The system is available on both mini— and microcomputer hardware. LS/2000 is an enhanced version of the Integrated Library System (ILS) developed at the National Library of Medicine and is a product of a joint development effort between OCLC and Online Computer Systems, Inc. Efforts are successfully under way to incorporate enhancements previously developed by AVATAR (a library automation company acquired last year by OCLC). This integration will be completed by July 1984. [Full Announcement].