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July 3, 2020
Springer. Springer Nature Group Donates $50,000 In Support of HBCU Scholarships. The HBCU Foundation, a Columbus, Ohio-based nonprofit whose aim is to provide scholarship aid to deserving students attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities, announced on Monday, a $50,000 grant from the leading academic publishing company, Springer Nature, in support of HBCU scholarships. [Full Announcement].
April 6, 2020
Springer. A better understanding of APC funding sources could accelerate the transition to open access. A new report published by Springer Nature indicates that a better understanding of the sources of funding for article processing charges could accelerate the transition to open access (OA) publishing. “APCs in the wild” refer to those APCs that are funded from sources that cannot easily be identified or tracked, in other words, those funding streams that fall outside of centrally managed library or institution budgets. The whitepaper draws on data from a survey of over 1000 Springer Nature authors, as well as 16 interviews with representatives from institutions. The goal of the research was to explore the scale of “wild” funding streams and their impact on the transition to OA publishing. [Full Announcement].
April 2, 2020
Springer. Springer Nature makes key textbooks freely accessible for educators, students and academics affected by coronavirus lockdown. With the Coronavirus outbreak having an unprecedented impact on education, Springer Nature is launching a global program to support learning and teaching at higher education institutions worldwide. This will see institutions able to access for free more than 500 key textbooks across Springer Nature’s eBook subject collections. These books will be available via SpringerLink until at least the end of July. [Full Announcement].
February 4, 2020
Springer. Springer Nature's research sharing initiative SharedIt expanded to include conference proceedings. Springer Nature continues its commitment to opening up research and enabling the advancement of discovery with the rollout of the SharedIt initiative to proceedings books. Following a successful pilot in 2018, SharedIt will enable to exchange/share links on individual papers in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) as well as in the IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology series from January 2020. [Full Announcement].
January 30, 2020
Springer. Springer Nature and the Materials Research Society (MRS) enter publishing alliance. Springer Nature and the Materials Research Society (MRS) have signed a strategic new publishing agreement that will come into effect starting on 1 January 2021. At that time, the two organizations will partner to publish all five journals in the MRS portfolio—MRS Bulletin, Journal of Materials Research (JMR), MRS Communications, MRS Energy & Sustainability, and MRS Advances—as well as books. In addition, Springer Nature will host the archived content of the long-standing MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) and the MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research (MIJ-NSR). [Full Announcement].
November 4, 2019
Springer. Researcher behind forward-thinking work to foster understanding of vision wins inaugural Nature Research Awards for Driving Global Impact. Tom Baden, a professor of neuroscience at University of Sussex, UK, and elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, UK has become the first winner of the Nature Research Awards for Driving Global Impact, as announced today at a ceremony in Beijing. [Full Announcement].
August 22, 2019
Springer. PROJEKT DEAL and SPRINGER NATURE reach understanding on world´s largest transformative Open Access agreement. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed today between MPDL Services, on behalf of Projekt DEAL, and Springer Nature sets the scene for the world’s most comprehensive open access (OA) agreement to be finalised later this year. Reaching such an understanding has been possible through acknowledgement of the common commitment of both parties to the principle of open science: Projekt DEAL’s vision and enablement of open access to German research on a large-scale and Springer Nature’s position as the largest OA publisher and their expertise as a pioneer of transformative deals. The agreement is expected to see well over 13,000 articles a year from German researchers published OA, meaning they will be freely and universally available for the world’s students, scholars and scientists to read, share, use and reuse from the moment of publication. [Full Announcement].
June 20, 2019
Springer. Springer Nature launches new video portfolio. Nature is launching a new collection of educational, standalone, peer-reviewed videos on its online content platform SpringerLink. Available from July, the videos cover a wide range of content from demonstrations of surgical techniques to tailored lecture series and interviews with researchers. Content for the videos is created by academics and practitioners, many of whom have previously published in Springer Nature’s journal and book portfolios. All videos are reviewed both internally and externally by subject experts to ensure accuracy and quality. [Full Announcement].
June 19, 2019
Springer. The future of scholarly books is open (access). The majority of book authors support the idea that all future scholarly books should be open access (OA). This is one of the key findings of a new white paper presented by Springer Nature at the OAI-11 conference at CERN this week. Based on the responses of 2,542 book authors who were surveyed by Springer Nature in February and March 2019, the white paper provides a global view of book authors’ attitudes towards OA. The survey looks at researchers’ motivations for publishing a book, and analyses the parameters and key drivers which influence academics to publish OA or not. The white paper also identifies major obstacles to OA publication which book authors still face: from a lack of awareness of OA publishing options and low funding, to concerns about how OA books are perceived. The white paper is freely available for download. [Full Announcement].
Springer. Size is not everything according to latest Nature Index annual tables. In the Nature Index 2019 annual tables, released today, the United States is well ahead of China then Germany to make up the top three in the country ranking, while the top three institutions – the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Harvard University and Max Planck Society – have held fast to their positions in the institutional ranks. For the first time, the Nature Index annual tables also include a normalized ranking. This takes into account the number of high-quality articles published as a proportion of an institute’s overall output in the natural sciences. The normalized ranking reveals a very different set of leaders among academic institutions. [Full Announcement].
May 9, 2019
Springer. Springer Nature seeks views on new approach aimed at accelerating the transition to open access. Springer Nature sets out a new approach to research publishing with the goal of increasing the demand from authors to immediately publish their research open access (OA) and growing the supply of journals able to publish OA, potentially enabling even highly selective journals such as Nature to transition to OA. The new approach would see publishers move from generally being passive enablers of open access to being active drivers of the transition to OA, with this demonstration of commitment increasing institutions and funding bodies’ confidence and support. [Full Announcement].
April 25, 2019
Springer. Content sharing goes from strength to strength -- Springer Nature. Sharing tool SN SharedIt enabled 7 million views of research articles in 2018. SharedIt was used by Springer Nature authors, its subscribers and its media partners to create over 7 million free sharable links to content in 2018. These links, which can also be shared on authors' websites and on social media, were then used to view articles for free nearly 7 million times, significantly opening up access to research and enabling the advancement of scientific discovery. [Full Announcement].
April 9, 2019
Springer. Springer Nature partners with Cancer Research UK to improve scientists' skills in research data management. Early career researchers, clinical fellows and in-house research support staff at Cancer Research UK will participate in specially tailored research data training workshops organized by the Nature Research Academies. The two-day workshops cover the theory and practice of data sharing and management with the aim of ensuring researchers feel more confident and knowledgeable about how and where they should store and share their data. The first workshop will take place from 9 to 10 May at the Springer Nature Campus in London, and two further workshops are planned for July and September this year. [Full Announcement].
April 2, 2019
Springer. Springer Nature publishes its first machine-generated book. Springer Nature published its first machine-generated book in chemistry. The book prototype provides an overview of the latest research in the rapidly growing field of lithium-ion batteries. The content is a cross-corpus auto-summarization of a large number of current research articles in this discipline. Serving as a structured excerpt from a huge set of papers, the innovative pipeline architecture aims at helping researchers to manage the information overload in this discipline efficiently. [Full Announcement].
Springer. Springer Nature proposes five essential factors to accelerate data sharing. Five Essential Factors for Data Sharing, published by Springer Nature today, translates findings about researcher attitudes and behaviours into concrete measures that will accelerate data sharing. The white paper builds on a number of reports published in 2018 that pinpoint challenges researchers face when sharing data. The barriers identified include, for example, how to organize data in a presentable and useful way, confusion about copyright, and not knowing where data can be shared. Five Essential Factors for Data Sharing outlines approaches needed to tackle these and further barriers. The white paper and its underlying data are freely available via the figshare repository. [Full Announcement].
February 13, 2019
Springer. Springer Nature partners with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation to improve data sharing. A new pilot project by Springer Nature and the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) enables researchers to make their research datasets accessible alongside their published articles. From February 2019, all authors whose manuscripts are accepted for publication by npj Breast Cancer will be reviewed by a Research Data Editor who is responsible for cataloguing, describing and sharing the datasets that accompany the research paper. [Full Announcement].
January 31, 2019
Springer. Springer Nature advances its library services by offering KBART Automated Holdings Feeds for discovery services. Springer Nature provides its customers with KBART Automation for knowledge bases and discovery services. KBART Automation is a highly beneficial service for libraries and research institutions, which helps to streamline their processes with minimum manual work involved. Springer Nature currently allows for KBART Automation of SpringerLink content to OCLC, Ex Libris’ SFX and Alma. KBART Automation for content is currently under development and will pave the way to a seamless one stop solution for Springer Nature automated holdings. [Full Announcement].
January 10, 2019
Springer. Springer Nature and The Open University launch a unique Computer Science Ontology (CSO). Springer Nature and the Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) of The Open University are partnering to provide a comprehensive Computer Science Ontology (CSO) to a broad range of communities engaged with scholarly data. CSO can be accessed free of charge through the CSO Portal, a web application that enables users to download, explore, and provide feedback on the ontology. [Full Announcement].
November 30, 2018
Springer. Springer and Labster partner to bring students in Germany cutting-edge science education materials. Springer and Labster announced a partnership that connects traditional textbook material with computer-animated simulations. This collaboration will help to shape the future of science education by changing the way students learn science. The enhanced textbook material is available via Springer’s content platform SpringerLink or through purchasing a specific textbook. [Full Announcement].
October 31, 2018
Springer. Springer launches interdisciplinary portal on urban studies. To meet the changing needs of the research community, Springer has significantly expanded its urban studies publication programme and set up a specially dedicated urban studies portal. The portal compiles a comprehensive collection of books, open access publications, journal articles and reference works related to urban studies and is now available on [Full Announcement].