Library Technology Guides

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Lucidea: mergers and acquisitions

Lucidea corporate profile Lucidea acquires Bailey Solutions Bailey Solutions corporate profile Bailey Solutions founded by Penny Bailey Lucidea acquires Maxus, Australian distributor of Inmagic library automation products Triad Data Magic, later known as Maxus, established Lucidea acquires Eloquent systems Merv Richter launches Eloquent Systems, Inc Lucidea formed through the consolidation of the SydneyPLUS family of companies SydneyPLUS acquires Presto DB/Text and Genie products from Inmagic SydneyPLUS acquires Presto product from Inmagic Inmagic acquires BiblioTech PRO from Comstow Information Services Comstow Information Services  founded by Lynda Moulton SydneyPLUS acquires LookUp Precision,DTE Axiom, and RollCall from Advanced Productivity Software SydneyPLUS acquires Questor Systems and its Argus platform SydneyPLUS acquires Cuadra Associates SydneyPLUS acquires SV Technology and its LawPort application suite SydneyPLUS acquires Incite Software Solutions Infonet Services Corporation renamed to Incite Software Solutions Infonet Services Corporation acquires OSIware and renamed it Infonet Software Solutions OSIware established to market communications software developed by Sydney Development Corporation Easy Data founded by Merv Richter Easy Data acquired by Sydney Development Corporation Sydney Development Corporation founded Questor Systems founded Advanced Productivity Software founded SV Technology founded by Marty Metz Cuadra Associates founded by Carlos A. Cuadra Inmagic founded by Elizabeth Bole Eddison and Karen Brothers International Library Systems founded and acquires rights to Sydney Library System