A directory of libraries throughout the world


Texas A&M University-San Antonio Library

Texas A&M University -- San Antonio

Address: University Library
Mail: One University Way
San Antonio, Texas
United States

County: Bexar View map of all libraries in Bexar County.

Phone: 210-784-1500

Connect to: ✔   Online Catalog

Library details: Texas A&M University-San Antonio Library is an Academic library.
This library is affiliated with Texas A&M University (view map) . The collection of the library contains 23,472 volumes. The library circulates 12,410 items per year. The library serves a population of 4,686 FTE Enrollment.

Permalink: Persistent URL for this listing
(Use this link to refer back to this listing.)

Administration: The director of the library is Tim Gritten .

Organizational structure: The library is part of a publicly-funded organization.

Academic Level: The library Serves an educational institution at the University level. The Carnegie Foundation designates this institution as: Master's Colleges and Universities: Larger Programs (level 18).

Statistics Academic
Enrollment 4,686FTE Students
Collection size23,472volumes
Annual Circulation12,410transactions
Technology Profile
Product NameYear Contracted
Current Automation SystemWorldShare Management Services2011
Previous Automation SystemMillennium2009
Previous Automation SystemNone
Discovery Service (w/index)WorldCat Discovery Service2019
Previous Discovery IndexWorldCat Local2011
Discovery InterfaceWorldCat Discovery Service
Institutional RepositoryDigital Commons
Item ID TypeBarcode 
Automated Materials HandlingNone 
The library's automation system is hosted by the vendor through an Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) arrangement.
This library is responsible for the procurement of the library automation system.
Identifiers ID62589
WorldCat Registry ID116545

Record History: This listing was created on Jun 2, 2011 and was last modified on Jan 19, 2024.

Updates: Corrections or Updates? Registered members of Library Technology Guides can submit updates to library listings in Registration is free and easy. Already registered? login. Or, you can report corrections just by sending a message to Marshall Breeding.

Texas A&M University-San Antonio
Texas A&M University-San Antonio

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This directory is a component of Library Technology Guides.

Please contact Marshall Breeding to report corrections about information listed for this library.