A directory of libraries throughout the world


Biblioteca Central de la UNAS

Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva

Library Hours
Monday 7:00 am 10:30 pm
Tuesday 7:00 am 10:30 pm
Wednesday 7:00 am 10:30 pm
Thursday 7:00 am 10:30 pm
Friday 7:00 am 10:30 pm
Saturday 7:00 am 1:00 pm

Address: Ave Universitaria Km 1
Tingo Maria,

County: Leoncio Prado

Region: Latin America

Phone: 51-62-561070

Connect to: ❌   Online Catalog

Library details: Biblioteca Central de la UNAS is an Academic library.
This library is affiliated with Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva (view map) .

Other Info: This is an small public university 500 Km north of Lima, on the eastern Andes-Amazonian slopes. While public, the university is considered among the 10 best Peruvian universities, either public or private. It is the first university in Huanuco department using modern library systems. However, there is much to improve yet.

Permalink: Persistent URL for this listing
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Administration: The director of the library is Pablo Inofuente .

Academic Level: The library Serves an educational institution at the University level.

Technology Profile
Product NameYear Contracted
Current Automation SystemALEPH 5002015
Previous Automation SystemLocally developed
This library is responsible for the procurement of the library automation system.

Automation Survey: We are conducting a study on the automation systems used in libraries. This survey should be completed by a person familiar with your libraries use of ALEPH 500.

Identifiers ID61869

Record History: This listing was created on Feb 1, 2011 and was last modified on Dec 19, 2024.

Updates: Corrections or Updates? Registered members of Library Technology Guides can submit updates to library listings in Registration is free and easy. Already registered? login. Or, you can report corrections just by sending a message to Marshall Breeding.

Biblioteca Central de la UNAS
Biblioteca Central de la UNAS

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This directory is a component of Library Technology Guides.

Please contact Marshall Breeding to report corrections about information listed for this library.