Phone: 034362-41031
Connect to: Online Catalog
Library details: Stadtbibliothek Mügeln is a Public library.
This library is affiliated with Stadtbibliothek Mügeln (view map)
The collection of the library contains 9,197 volumes.
(Use this link to refer back to this listing.)
Administration: The director of the library is Felicitas Lori .
Collection size | 9,197 | volumes |
Technology Profile | ||
Product Name | Year Contracted | |
Current Automation System | allegro-C | |
This library is responsible for the procurement of the library automation system. |
Automation Survey: We are conducting a study on the automation systems used in libraries. This survey should be completed by a person familiar with your libraries use of allegro-C.
Identifiers | |
---|---| ID | 61402 |
Record History: This listing was created on Oct 9, 2010 and was last modified on Dec 8, 2016.
Updates: Corrections or Updates? Registered members of Library Technology Guides can submit updates to library listings in Registration is free and easy. Already registered? login. Or, you can report corrections just by sending a message to Marshall Breeding.