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Sel bibliotek - Otta

Oppland, Norway

Address: Johan Nygårdsgt. 17a

County: Oppland

Region: Nord-Gudbrandsdalen

Phone: 61700870

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Library details: Sel bibliotek - Otta is a Public library.
This library is affiliated with Oppland fylkesbibliotek (view map) .

Other Info: Sel bibliotek er samlokalisert med Otta bergverkssenter og Otta nasjonalparksenter. Bok til alle bibliotek. Biblioteket er læringsverksted. Nasjonalparkbiblioteket er en egen avdeling i biblioteket og er et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom folkebibliotekene i Nord-Gudbrandsdalen. Her finner du bøker om alle nasjonalparker i Norge.

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Technology Profile
Product NameYear Contracted
Current Automation SystemALEPH 500
Identifiers ID60900

Record History: This listing was created on Jul 28, 2010 and was last modified on Nov 16, 2018.

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This directory is a component of Library Technology Guides.

Please contact Marshall Breeding to report corrections about information listed for this library.