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NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory Library

United States -- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Address: 2205 Commonwealth Boulevard
Ann Arbor, Michigan
United States

Connect to: ❌   Online Catalog

Library details: NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory Library is a Government Agency library.
This library is affiliated with United States -- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Other Info: The collection supports the laboratory''s broad ecosystem approach to research activities for both the Great Lakes and marine coastal environments. The current collection emphasizes freshwater studies, particularly in the Great Lakes. Formats include print, film, fiche, audio cassette, and CD-ROM. Current holdings include periodicals, books, technical reports, dissertations, technical reports/memoranda, and GLERL authored reprints in limnological studies (physical, chemical, meteorological, and biological conditions) and marine coastal environmental studies. The public may access the collection for research purposes and may make copies, but materials are loaned through interlibrary loan.

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Technology Profile
Product NameYear Contracted
Current Automation SystemSymphony1996

Automation Survey: We are conducting a study on the automation systems used in libraries. This survey should be completed by a person familiar with your libraries use of Symphony.

Identifiers ID6053

Record History: This listing was created on Oct 9, 2002 and was last modified on Dec 23, 2014.

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Please contact Marshall Breeding to report corrections about information listed for this library.