A directory of libraries throughout the world


Center for Puerto Rican Studies Library and Archives

Centro de Estudios Puertorriquenos

Address: 695 Park Ave
New York, New York
United States

County: New York View map of all libraries in New York County.

Connect to: ✔   Online Catalog

Library details: Center for Puerto Rican Studies Library and Archives is an Academic library.
This library is affiliated with City University of New York (view map) . The collection of the library contains 14,000 volumes.

Other Info: The Collection of the library provides access to over 14,000 books, 2,550 dissertations and masters theses, over 500 titles of historical newspapers and periodicals on 3,700 reels of microfilm, 600 audio recordings, 514 videos and DVD’s containing information by and about Puerto Ricans, and 21.3 linear feet of Vertical Files encompassing a variety of subjects. The archives holds approximately 300 collections that measure over 6,000 cu. ft. This includes over 100,000 photographs and negatives.

Permalink: Persistent URL for this listing
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Administration: The director of the library is Yarimar Bonilla .

Collection size14,000volumes
Technology Profile
Product NameYear Contracted
Current Automation SystemAlma2019
Previous Automation SystemALEPH 5002000
Previous Automation SystemNOTIS1987
Discovery Service (w/index)Ex Libris CDI2013
Discovery InterfacePrimo2013
The library participates in the shared automation system provided by the City University of New York (view map)

Automation Survey: We are conducting a study on the automation systems used in libraries. This survey should be completed by a person familiar with your libraries use of Alma.

Identifiers ID4781

Record History: This listing was created on Jun 23, 2000 and was last modified on Nov 22, 2024.

Updates: Corrections or Updates? Registered members of Library Technology Guides can submit updates to library listings in Registration is free and easy. Already registered? login. Or, you can report corrections just by sending a message to Marshall Breeding.

Center for Puerto Rican Studies Library and Archives
Center for Puerto Rican Studies Library and Archives

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This directory is a component of Library Technology Guides.

Please contact Marshall Breeding to report corrections about information listed for this library.