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Spanish National Library
Biblioteca Nacional de España


Address: Paseo de Recoletos 20-22
Madrid, Madrid

Phone: 34-91-580-7800

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Library details: Spanish National Library is a National library.
This library is affiliated with Biblioteca Nacional de España (view map) . The collection of the library contains 10,352,120 volumes.

Other Info:

La Biblioteca Nacional de España recibe y conserva ejemplares de todos los libros publicados en España. Además, atesora una valiosísima colección de incunables, manuscritos, estampas, dibujos, fotografías, grabaciones sonoras, partituras... Para poder consultar estos fondos basta con estar en posesión de un carné de lector o investigador. Las Salas de Exposiciones y el Museo de la Biblioteca, donde se realizan diversas exposiciones y actividades culturales, son de libre acceso.

The Biblioteca Nacional is Spain's highest library institution and is head of the Spanish Library System. As the country's national library it is the centre responsible for identifying, preserving, conserving and disseminating information about Spain's documentary heritage and it aspires to be an essential point of reference for research into Spanish culture.

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Administration: The director of the library is Ana Santos Aramburo .

Collection size10,352,120volumes
Technology Profile
Product NameYear Contracted
Current Automation SystemAlma*2024
Previous Automation SystemSymphony2006
Previous Automation SystemSIRTEX1988
(* This system was recently acquired and may not yet be installed)
This library is responsible for the procurement of the library automation system.
Identifiers ID3088
WorldCat Registry ID85312

Record History: This listing was created on Sep 17, 1998 and was last modified on Jul 11, 2024.

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Spanish National Library
Spanish National Library

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Please contact Marshall Breeding to report corrections about information listed for this library.