A directory of libraries throughout the world


Memorial Libraries

Historic Deerfield, MA

Address: 6 Memorial Street
Mail: PO Box 53
Deerfield, Massachusetts
United States

County: Franklin View map of all libraries in Franklin County.

Phone: 413-775-7125

Connect to: ✔  

Library details: Memorial Libraries is a Special library.
This library is affiliated with Historic Deerfield Libraries (view map) . The collection of the library contains 24,500 volumes. The library circulates 600 items per year.

Other Info: Historic Deerfield operates a research library with the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, together known as the Memorial Libraries. The libraries are open to visitors who have an interest in early New England life, local history, and decorative arts.

Permalink: Persistent URL for this listing
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Administration: The director of the library is David Bosse .

Collection size24,500volumes
Annual Circulation600transactions
Technology Profile
Product NameYear Contracted
Current Automation SystemEvergreen -- Equinox2013
Previous Automation SystemVoyager2005
This library is responsible for the procurement of the library automation system.
Identifiers ID1285
WorldCat Registry ID45179

Record History: This listing was created on Jul 7, 1997 and was last modified on Feb 17, 2024.

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This directory is a component of Library Technology Guides.

Please contact Marshall Breeding to report corrections about information listed for this library.