Library Technology Guides

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ILS Implementations in Urban Libraries Council members

Caveat and Credit

This resource presents the number of installations of each ILS product among the members of the Urban Libraries Council from 2004 through 2020. These numbers were reconstructed from captures of Urban Libraries Council: Current Automation Systems on the Internet Archive


ILS Products used by ULC Libraries
Bibliovation 1
Carl 111010999
CarlX 111124556677777
DRA 1262111
Dynix 23134431111
Evergreen 13334666777
Horizon 2531373333322722221916161615141312
Koha 11111122111233
LibrarySolution 1111111111111222
LocallyDeveloped 2222222221
Millennium 374344454646343228251917161613112
OCLCWise 5
PLUS 111111
Polaris 2223351516172125353535353538
Sierra 1417192228444444454849
Symphony 2025303231313434343435495051515151
Virtua 111111322211
Vsmart 11111111111
Ex Libris
Innovative 3743444546464849474747999797959590
Innovative MS 28%32%33%34%35%35%36%36%35%35%34%55%54%54%53%53%50%
SirsiDynix 3275737068656257575351656666656463
SirsiDynix MS 24%56%54%53%52%49%46%42%42%39%37%36%37%37%36%36%35%
Open Source MS 0%0%0%1%1%1%1%3%3%4%4%4%4%4%5%6%6%
Totals 134134134133132132134135135135138179179179179179179

Market Share among ULC Member Libraries: SirsiDynix vs Innovative

ILS Implementations among ULC Members (all systems)