Albany, VT. ( Albany, Vermont United States) [VERSO]
Alburg, VT. ( Alburg, Vermont United States) [None]
Alburg, VT. ( Alburg, Vermont United States) [LibraryWorld] +
Arlington, VT. ( Arlington, Vermont United States) [Destiny] +
Bakersfield, VT. ( Bakersfield, Vermont United States) [Koha -- ByWater Solutions]
Barnard, VT. ( Barnard, Vermont United States) [None]
Barnet, VT. ( Barnet, Vermont United States) [None]
Barre, VT. ( Barre, Vermont United States) [Destiny] +
Barre, VT. ( East Barre, Vermont United States) [Destiny]
Barton, VT. ( Barton, Vermont United States) [None]
Bellows Falls, VT. ( Bellows Falls, Vermont United States) [Koha -- ByWater Solutions]
Bennington, VT. ( Bennington, Vermont United States) [Koha -- ByWater Solutions] +
Benson, VT. ( Benson, Vermont United States) [None]
Bethel, VT. ( Bethel, Vermont United States) [None]
Bondville, VT. ( Bondville, Vermont United States) [Koha -- ByWater Solutions]
Bradford, VT. ( Bradford, Vermont United States) [Koha -- ByWater Solutions]
Brandon, VT. ( Brandon, Vermont United States) [Insignia] +
Brattleboro, VT. ( Brattleboro, Vermont United States) [Koha -- ByWater Solutions]
Bristol, VT. ( Bristol, Vermont United States) [Concourse]
Brookfield, VT. ( Brookfield, Vermont United States) [None]
indicates that the library participates in a consortium for its automation system.