Bangor School Department. ( Bangor, Maine United States) [Atriuum] +
Bangor School Department. ( Bangor, Maine United States) [Atriuum]
Carmel, ME. ( Carmel, Maine United States) [Evergreen -- Independent]
Central Maine Medical Center. ( Lewiston, Maine United States) [Evergreen -- Independent]
College of the Atlantic. ( Bar Harbor, Maine United States) [Evergreen -- Independent]
Corinna, ME. ( Corinna, Maine United States) [LibraryWorld] +
Dexter, ME. ( Dexter, Maine United States) [Evergreen -- Independent]
Dover-Foxcroft, ME. ( Dover-Foxcroft, Maine United States) [Evergreen -- Independent]
Farmington, ME. ( Farmington, Maine United States) [Apollo] +
Foxcroft Academy. ( Dover-Foxcroft, Maine United States) [Evergreen -- Independent]
Greenville, ME. ( Greenville, Maine United States) [Evergreen -- Independent]
indicates that the library participates in a consortium for its automation system.