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Valley Automated Library Network

Valley Automated Library Network

Address: 417 Sycamore Street
Clarkston, Washington
United States

Connect to: ✔   Online Catalog

Library details: Valley Automated Library Network is a Consortium.
This library is affiliated with Valley Automated Library Network (view map) . The collection of the library contains 441,919 volumes. The library circulates 776,923 items per year. The library serves a population of 118,685 .

Other Info: VALNet, the Valley Automated Library Network, is a consortium of public, school, and academic libraries in Southeastern Washington and North Central Idaho working together to share resources and information services. VALNet currently serves 60,000 patrons with over 630,000 items. In fiscal year 2000, VALNet libraries exchanged over 500,000 items among themselves.

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Statistics Consortium
Service Population 118,685Residents
Collection size441,919volumes
Annual Circulation776,923transactions
Technology Profile
Product NameYear Contracted
Current Automation SystemKoha -- ByWater Solutions2011
Previous Automation SystemVoyager2001
Previous Automation SystemPLUS
The library participates in the shared automation system provided by the Valley Automated Library Network (view map)
This library is responsible for the procurement of the library automation system.
(The system currently named PLUS by Geac was previously called Libs100 or Libs100PLUS from a company called CLSI.)
Identifiers ID61029

Record History: This listing was created on Sep 3, 2010 and was last modified on Nov 2, 2023.

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Valley Automated Library Network
Valley Automated Library Network

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Please contact Marshall Breeding to report corrections about information listed for this library.