United Nations. ( New York, New York United States) [Alma] +
United Nations -- Comisión Ecónomica para Latina Amériva y Caribe. ( Santiago, Santiago Chile) [Millennium] +
United Nations -- Economic Commission for Africa. ( Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) [Sierra] +
United Nations -- Food and Agriculture Organisation. ( Rome, Italy) [Koha -- PTFS Europe] +
United Nations -- Food and Agriculture Organization. ( Rome, Italy) [Koha -- PTFS Europe] +
United Nations -- High Commissioner for Human Rights. ( Geneva, Switzerland) [TIND ILS] +
United Nations -- Industrial Development Organisation. ( Vienna, Austria) [Koha -- Independent] +
United Nations -- International Fund for Agricultural Development. ( Rome, Italy) [TIND ILS] +
United Nations -- International Labour Organization. ( Geneva, Geneva Switzerland) [Alma] +
United Nations -- International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. ( Geneva, Switzerland) [Voyager]
United Nations -- World Intellectual Property Organization. ( Geneva, Geneva Switzerland) [TIND ILS] +
United Nations Office at Geneva. ( Geneva 10, Geneva Switzerland) [Alma] +
United Nations Office at Nairobi. ( Nairobi, Kenya) [ISIS -- WEBLIS] +
United Nations Office at Vienna. ( Vienna, Austria) [TIND ILS] +
United Nations Relief and Works Agency. ( Amman, Jordan) [OPALS] +
United Nations Relief and Works Agency. مكتبة مدرسة الجليل الثانوية المختلطة ( Beirut, Lebanon) [OPALS]
United Nations Relief and Works Agency. مكتبة مدرسة إناث الكرامة الإعدادية ( North Amman, Jordan) [OPALS]
United Nations Relief and Works Agency. مكتبة مدرستي ذكور وإناث وداي الحجر الإعدادية ( North Amman, Jordan) [OPALS]
United Nations Relief and Works Agency. ( Irbid, Jordan) [OPALS]
United Nations Relief and Works Agency. مكتبة مدرسة ذكور مخيم سوف الإعدادية الثانية ( Irbid, Jordan) [OPALS]