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American Jewish Historical Society Library

American Jewish Historical Society

Address: 15 West 16th Street
New York, New York
United States

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Library details: American Jewish Historical Society Library is a Special library.
This library is affiliated with American Jewish Historical Society (view map) .

Other Info:

The American Jewish Historical Society library consists of approximately 50,000 volumes, including both books and serials (journals and periodicals). Some of the major topics represented in the library collection are American Jewish religious, intellectual, political and economic life; Jewish participation in the visual and performing arts; the geographic origins of American Jewry; Jewish immigration to the Americas; gender relations and family structure in American Jewish life; anti-Semitism; regional and local histories; and Zionism. The Library supports the Archival Collections.

AJHS library in New York City has an open-stack reference collection that researchers are welcome to browse. The collections consist of encyclopedias, yearbooks, genealogical reference sources, bibliographies, biographical dictionaries, atlases, and many other useful American Jewish reference publications. These reference works are integrated with the collections of the Leo Baeck Institute, American Sephardi Federation, and the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research in the Reading Room of the Center for Jewish History. This combined reference collection consists of approximately 3,000 volumes and includes important resources for research on American, Sephardic, Eastern European and German Jewry.

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Administration: The director of the library is Susan Malbin .

Technology Profile
Product NameYear Contracted
Discovery InterfacePrimo
Identifiers ID3448
OCLC SymbolAJ4

Record History: This listing was created on Mar 18, 1999 and was last modified on Sep 17, 2016.

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American Jewish Historical Society Library
American Jewish Historical Society Library

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