Library Technology Guides

Documents, Databases, News, and Commentary

Altadena, CA. ( Altadena, California United States) [Koha -- ByWater Solutions] +

  Altadena, CA. ( Altadena, California United States) [Koha -- ByWater Solutions]

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. ( New York, New York United States) [Koha -- ByWater Solutions] +

Anniesland College. ( Glasgow, United Kingdom) Display all the libraries participating in: Glasgow Colleges -- Next Generation Library Group [Koha -- PTFS Europe]

Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea. ( Donostia/an Sebastián, Spain) [Koha 16.11]

Ashesi University. ( Accra, Ghana) [Koha -- ByWater Solutions] +

ASSABIL association. ( Beirut, Lebanon) [Koha] +

  ASSABIL association. ( Beirut, Lebanon) [Koha]

Assam Institute of Research for Tribals and Schedule Castes. ( Assam, India) [Koha -- Aditi Library Service] +

Association Diocésaine de Marseille. ( Marseille, France) [Koha -- BibLibre]

Ateneo Barcelonés. Ateneu Barcelonès ( Barcelona, Barcelona Spain) [Koha-MAsmedios] +

Atlantic Technological University. ( Galway, Ireland) Display all the libraries participating in: Institutes of Technology Ireland [Koha -- Interleaf Technology] +

  Atlantic Technological University. ( Sligo, Ireland) Display all the libraries participating in: Institutes of Technology Ireland [Koha -- Interleaf Technology] +

  Atlantic Technological University. ( Letterkenny, Ireland) Display all the libraries participating in: Institutes of Technology Ireland [Koha -- Interleaf Technology] +

Bay School of San Francisco. ( San Francisco, California United States) [Koha -- ByWater Solutions] +

Beirut, Lebanon. ( Beirut, Lebanon) [Koha]

  Beirut, Lebanon. ( Beirut, Lebanon) [Koha]

Bethel Bible Seminary. 伯特利神學院 ( Hong Kong, Hong Kong) [Koha -- ByWater Solutions] +

BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology. ( Dhaka, Bangladesh) [Koha -- Independent] +

Bibliothèque Mazarine. ( Paris, Île-de-France France) [Koha -- BibLibre] +

Consortia indicates that the library participates in a consortium for its automation system.