Library Technology Guides

Documents, Databases, News, and Commentary

Australian Hearing. ( Chatswood, Australia) [Koha -- Independent]

Butte, MT. ( Butte, Montana United States) [Koha -- Independent] +

Center for Cartoon Studies. ( White River Junction, Vermont United States) [Koha -- Independent] +

Chennai India. ( Chennai, India) [Koha -- Independent] +

Daffodil International University. ( Dhaka, Bangladesh) [Koha -- Independent] +

Dominican House of Studies. Biblioteka Kolegium Filozoficzno-Teologicznego oo. Dominikanów w Krakowie ( Kraków, Poland) [Koha -- Independent] +

East West University. ইস্ট ওয়েস্ট বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় গ্রন্থাগার ( Dhaka, Bangladesh) [Koha -- Independent] +

English Folk Dance and Song Society. ( London, England United Kingdom) [Koha -- Independent] +

Framingham Public Schools. ( Framingham, Massachusetts United States) [Koha -- Independent]

Frijsendal Friskole. ( Hammel, Denmark) [Koha -- Independent] +

Instituto Nacional de Cancerología. ( Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal Mexico) [Koha -- Independent] +

Kenya Power. ( Nairobi, Kenya) [Koha -- Independent] +

Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA). ( Unity, Maine United States) [Koha -- Independent] +

  Michigan State University -- College of Osteopathic Medicine. ( Clinton Township, Michigan United States) [Koha -- Independent] +

Narragansett Regional School District. ( Baldwinville, Massachusetts United States) [Koha -- Independent] +

National Law Institute University. ( Bhopal, India) [Koha -- Independent] +

Naval Marine Archive: The Canadian Collection. ( Picton, Ontario Canada) [Koha -- Independent] +

NZEI Te Riu Roa. ( Wellington, New Zealand) [Koha -- Independent] +

Penn Manor School District. ( Lancaster, United States) [Koha -- Independent] +

Politeknik Kota Bharu. ( Ketereh, Malaysia) [Koha -- Independent] +